The hidden rules that determine which friendships matter to us

Evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar has found that our friendships are governed by secret rules, based on everything from your sex to your sleep schedule. Our unique social fingerprints help determine who we are drawn to, which friendships last and why some friends are ultimately replaceable Source:…

Microsoft Launches Power Fx, a New Open Source Low-Code Language

Microsoft today announced Power Fx, a new low-code language that “will become the standard for writing logic customization across Microsoft’s own low-code Power Platform,” reports TechCrunch. “[S]ince the company is open-sourcing the language, Microsoft also hopes others will implement it as well and that it will become the de facto standard for these kinds of use cases.” From the report: Microsoft…

The stars Shaula and Lesath as heralds of spring

On February mornings, look for the celestial ducks returning to open water on the river of the Milky Way as the stars Shaula and Lesath make their appearance. Source:…

What’s the birthstone for December?

If you were born December, you’ve got 2 birthstones, turquoise and zircon. Source:…

Apple Doubles Down in Fight With Fortnite Creator Epic Games, Seeks Damages for Breach of Contract

Apple on Tuesday shot back in its legal battle with Fortnite creator Epic Games, filing a response and counterclaims alleging that the gaming company breached its contract with Apple, and seeking an unspecified amount in damages. From a report: “Epic’s lawsuit is nothing more than a basic disagreement over money,” Apple said in a filing with the District Court for the…

Scientists develop first quantum algorithm to characterize noise across large systems

Quantum systems are notoriously prone to errors and noise. In order to overcome this and build a functional quantum computer, physicists should ideally understand the noise across an entire system. That has been out of reach until now, with Dr. Robin Harper and colleagues developing the first system-wide quantum algorithm to characterize noise. …

Whatever Happened to the ‘Flash Crash’ Trader?

British stock trader Navinder Sarao was accused of helping cause a $1 trillion stock market crash in 2010. But the rest of his story is now being told in a new book titled Flash Crash: A Trading Savant, a Global Manhunt, and the Most Mysterious Market Crash in History. “I think that he was a gamer and, for him, markets were…

Emperor penguins are good dads

On this Father’s day, a special shout-out to one of the most exceptional dads in nature, emperor penguins. They endure the harshest winter conditions on Earth for their offspring. Source:…

Is That a Rooster on My Customer-Support Call? Yes, Blame Coronavirus.

When Robin Frost called Verizon’s customer support last month, she was connected with a rooster. At least that’s what it sounded like. The Pennsylvania resident wanted to ask about a problem with the telecom company’s app, but the agent on the line said she couldn’t hear. Punctuating her words was “the sound of a very authentic, real-sounding rooster,” Ms. Frost recalled….

Psychology tips for maintaining social relationships during lockdown

Touch is key to social relationships, and while coronavirus social distancing measures may limit physical interactions, there are still many ways to connect from afar, says evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar Source:…