The Secret, Essential Geography of the Office

A workplace has its own informal cardinal directions: elevatorward, kitchenward, bathroomward. It’s a map we share. From an essay: I love visiting offices, listening to their hum. Literally: I sometimes went to a giant financial firm where they traded different kinds of securities on different floors, and if it was a big day in bonds the fourth floor would be loud,…

The stars Shaula and Lesath as heralds of spring

On February mornings, look for the celestial ducks returning to open water on the river of the Milky Way as the stars Shaula and Lesath make their appearance. Source:…

‘Divinity Consultants’ are Now Designing Sacred Rituals for Some Corporations

“They go by different names: ritual consultants, sacred designers, soul-centered advertisers,” reports the New York Times, describing “a new corporate clergy” working as “divinity consultants” and “designing sacred rituals for corporations.” They have degrees from divinity schools. Their business is borrowing from religious tradition to bring spiritual richness to corporate America. In simpler times, divinity schools sent their graduates out to…

Lumpy flint figurines may be some of the earliest depictions of real people

Unusual flint artifacts discovered in Jordan from about 7500 B.C. may have portrayed individual people in burial rituals, and could explain why human images became widespread in the Neolithic Near East. Source:

Divers Find Evidence of Prehistoric Mining Operation in North America

Iwastheone shared this article from CBS News:
Experts and cave divers in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula have found ocher mines that are some of the oldest on the continent. Ancient skeletons were found in the narrow, twisting labyrinths of now-submerged sinkhole caves… The discovery of remains of human-set fires, stacked mining debris, simple stone tools, navigational aids and digging sites suggest humans went…

Cannabis was burned for religious rituals in Biblical-era Israel

Residues of cannabis found on stone altars from a shrine in what was once the Biblical Kingdom of Judah suggest the plant was burned for its psychoactive effects Source:…

New timeline rewrites history of Easter Island collapse

Easter Island society did not collapse prior to European contact, and its people continued to build its iconic moai statues for much longer than previously believed, according to a team of researchers. Source:…

Study Reveals Music’s Universal Patterns Across Societies Worldwide

From love songs to dance tunes to lullabies, music made in disparate cultures worldwide displays certain universal patterns, according to a study by researchers who suggest a commonality in the way human minds create music. From a report: The study focused on musical recordings and ethnographic records from 60 societies around the world including such diverse cultures as the Highland Scots…