Australian ‘Super Seaweed’ Supplement To Reduce Cattle Gas Emissions Wins $1 Million International Prize

SpamSlapper shares a report from The Australian Broadcasting Corporation: A company commercializing a CSIRO-developed, seaweed feed product, which slashes the amount of greenhouse gases cattle burp and fart into the atmosphere, has won a $1 million international prize for its work reshaping the food system. CSIRO-affiliated company Future Feed said it would use its Food Planet Prize winnings to create an…

Impossible Foods Is Now Developing a Plant-Based Alternative To Cow’s Milk

From a report: There’s a myriad of reasons to replace cow’s milk with alternatives like nut milks, oat milk, or soy milk, but for those who enjoy the experience of consuming animal-sourced dairy products, the alternatives just aren’t the same. So Impossible Foods, makers of the Impossible Burger and other plant-based meat alternatives, are working on another food replacement that looks,…

Implanting beef cattle embryos in dairy cows makes them more lucrative

Male dairy calves are worth so little that they are often shot after birth, but beef calves are worth much more. Implanting a beef cattle embryo in a dairy cow could increase profitability and cut greenhouse gas emissions Source:…

What If They Replaced Windows With Microsoft Linux?

Following up on speculation from Eric Raymond and ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, open source advocate Jack Wallen imagines what would happen if Microsoft just switched over altogether from Windows to a Linux distro named “Microsoft Linux”: A full-on Linux distribution released by Microsoft would mean less frustration for all involved. Microsoft could shift its development efforts on the Windows…

The Gateway PC Brand Returns With New Laptops

On Wednesday, Acer and Walmart announced they were reviving the Gateway brand to sell affordable Windows 10 notebooks and laptop convertibles from $179 and up. PCMag reports: Gateway was once a major PC vendor in the US, especially during the 1990s when it famously sold computers packaged in cow spotted boxes. However, the company’s fortunes began to falter in the 2000s,…

CES Comes To Its Senses and Will Go All-Digital For 2021

For the first time in more than 50 years, the CES technology tradeshow will be a digital-only event in January 2021. The event is the first big event of the year for the Las Vegas events calendar, and a huge cash cow for the Nevada city’s economy. From a report: The Consumer Technology Association (CTA), which runs the event, today announced…

The ‘Cow’ mystery strikes back: Two more rare, explosive events captured

The ‘Cow’ is not alone; with the help of W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea in Hawaii, astronomers have discovered two more like it—the ‘Koala’ and a similar mysterious bright object called CSS161010. This trio of fast blue optical transients (FBOTs) appear to be relatives, all belonging to a highly-luminous family that has a track record for surprising astronomers with their…

Is That a Rooster on My Customer-Support Call? Yes, Blame Coronavirus.

When Robin Frost called Verizon’s customer support last month, she was connected with a rooster. At least that’s what it sounded like. The Pennsylvania resident wanted to ask about a problem with the telecom company’s app, but the agent on the line said she couldn’t hear. Punctuating her words was “the sound of a very authentic, real-sounding rooster,” Ms. Frost recalled….