Linux Mint Developers Will Force Updates on Users Like Microsoft Does with Windows 10

AmiMoJo shares a report: Last month, the Linux Mint team published a post on the organization’s official blog about the importance of installing security updates on machines running the Linux distribution. The essence of the post was that a sizeable number of Linux Mint devices was running outdated applications, packages or even an outdated version of the operating system itself. A…

Jamie Zawinski Calls Cinnamon Screensaver Lock-Bypass Bug ‘Unconscionable’

Legendary programmer Jamie Zawinski has worked on everything from the earliest releases of the Netscape Navigator browser to XEmacs, Mozilla, and, of course, the XScreenSaver project. Now Slashdot reader e432776 writes: JWZ continues to track issues with screensavers on Linux (since 2004!), and discusses a new bug in cinnamon-screensaver. Long-standing topics like X11, developer interaction, and code licensing all feature. Solutions…

Linux Mint Introduces Its Own Take On the Chromium Web Browser

Mint’s programmers, led by lead developer, Clement “Clem” Lefebvre, have built their own take on Google’s open-source Chromium web browser. ZDNet reports: Some of you may be saying, “Wait, haven’t they offered Chromium for years? Well, yes, and no. For years, Mint used Ubuntu’s Chromium build. But then Canonical, Ubuntu’s parent company, moved from releasing Chromium as an APT-compatible DEB package…

‘How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator’

After the U.S. unveiled charges against six members of the Sandworm unit in Russia’s military intelligence agency, Wired re-visited “a secret experiment in 2007 proved that hackers could devastate power grid equipment beyond repair — with a file no bigger than a gif.” It’s an excerpt from the new book SANDWORM: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the…

What If They Replaced Windows With Microsoft Linux?

Following up on speculation from Eric Raymond and ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, open source advocate Jack Wallen imagines what would happen if Microsoft just switched over altogether from Windows to a Linux distro named “Microsoft Linux”: A full-on Linux distribution released by Microsoft would mean less frustration for all involved. Microsoft could shift its development efforts on the Windows…

A Closer Look At Elon Musk’s Neuralink Surgical Robot

Earlier today, Elon Musk demonstrated his startup Neuralink’s brain link device working in a pig named Gertrude. While the science and the device itself were front-and-center at the presentation, the surgical robot the company debuted is equally as important because it’s designed to handle the full surgical installation process. “That includes opening up the scalp, removing a portion of the skull,…

Single-line Software Bug Causes Fledgling YAM Cryptocurrency To Implode Just Two Days After Launch

A two-day-old decentralized cryptocurrency called YAM collapsed this week after its creators revealed that a software bug had effectively vetoed human governance. From a report: “At approximately 6PM UTC, on Wednesday, August 12, we discovered a bug in the YAM rebasing contract that would mint far more YAM than intended to sell to the Uniswap YAM/yCRV pool, sending a large amount…

Is It Time To Kill the Penny?

COVID-19 has constipated the economy and prompted the U.S. Mint to cut back on coin production to keep its workers safe. As NPR’s Greg Rosalsky writes, this could be a rallying cry for a long-running movement that has lost steam in recent years: Kill the penny! “With the closure of the economy, the flow of coins through the economy has ……