Is That a Rooster on My Customer-Support Call? Yes, Blame Coronavirus.

When Robin Frost called Verizon’s customer support last month, she was connected with a rooster. At least that’s what it sounded like. The Pennsylvania resident wanted to ask about a problem with the telecom company’s app, but the agent on the line said she couldn’t hear. Punctuating her words was “the sound of a very authentic, real-sounding rooster,” Ms. Frost recalled. From a report: Thousands of call-center employees in the Philippines and India are working from home, often on the outskirts of urban areas or outside them, during their countries’ coronavirus lockdowns. That has given cows and pigs — but mainly roosters — a chance to chime in. “It was funny but not funny, and also maddening, as I couldn’t accomplish my task,” Ms. Frost said. Stefaan Smith, 36, who lives outside Phoenix, had a similar encounter when he called a Sprint helpline in March. He wanted to defer billing on his account after a pizza-parlor job fell through and left him with no money in the bank. “The crowing was so close,” he said of what sounded like an angry rooster, though that wasn’t the only animal present. “It was like right outside her window. You could hear her pigs grumbling and groaning.” After follow-up calls, he received a $50 credit from the provider, he said. Call-center executives say roosters are tough to silence. Americans often make customer-service calls in the late afternoon and evening, just when the sun is rising over countries like the Philippines and the birds are at their loudest. That’s when Junela Dumaya’s job gets tricky. The 20-year-old works for Open Access BPO, a call center, and lives in a mountainous area a few hours’ drive from the Philippine capital, Manila. Her neighbor’s cow makes a racket in the mornings, as do her brother-in-law’s chickens.

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