New Technique Reveals Centuries of Secrets in Locked Letters

M.I.T. researchers have devised a virtual-reality technique that lets them read old letters that were mailed not in envelopes but in the writing paper itself after being folded into elaborate enclosures. From a report: In 1587, hours before her beheading, Mary, Queen of Scots, sent a letter to her brother-in-law Henry III, King of France. But she didn’t just sign it…

Observer’s challenge: Moon and morning planets on February 8, 9 and 10

Before sunrise on February 8, 9 and 10, 2021, the old moon might guide you to 3 morning planets: Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Fair warning. It won’t be easy to spot the planets so near the sunrise glare! Source:…

Naked mole rats mimic the dialect of their colony’s queen

Colonies of naked mole rats share the same dialect, which may help them recognise friend from foe – and these are set by the colony’s queen Source:…

13-foot-long ‘Book of the Dead’ scroll found in burial shaft in Egypt

A funerary temple belonging to Queen Nearit has been discovered in the ancient Egyptian burial ground Saqqara next to the pyramid of her husband, pharaoh Teti. Source:

Look for Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper

Watch the celestial clock and its 2 great big hour hands – Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper – as they swing around the North Star every night! Source:…

How The Band Phish Played Chess Against Its Fans on New Year’s Eve

An anonymous reader writes: So on New Year’s Eve, the “jam” rock band Phish re-broadcast their legendary 1995 performance on New Year’s Eve — while playing a game of chess against the audience. (Just as they’d done in 1995 — although during that tour they’d made two just moves during each show.) In a video promoting this year’s event, a chess…

A Deepfake Queen Delivered an Alternative Christmas Speech to Warn about Misinformation

“A fake Queen Elizabeth danced across TV screens on Christmas as part of a ‘deepfake’ speech aired by a British broadcaster,” reports CNN:
The broadcaster said the video was supposed to offer “a stark warning about the advanced technology that is enabling the proliferation of misinformation and fake news in a digital age.” Channel 4 annually accompanies the Queen’s traditional speech with…

What Are You Paying For in a $300 Chess Set? Mostly the Knights

If you bought a wooden chess set after watching “The Queen’s Gambit,” the price you paid was most likely dictated by just four pieces. From a report: The knights alone can account for as much as 50 percent of the cost of a nice wooden set. While the rest of the pieces can be machine-made, the knights are carved by hand…