Coca-Cola Begins Testing a Paper Bottle

“Coca-Cola is to test a paper bottle as part of a longer-term bid to eliminate plastic from its packaging entirely,” reports the BBC: The prototype is made by a Danish company from an extra-strong paper shell that still contains a thin plastic liner. But the goal is to create a 100% recyclable, plastic-free bottle capable of preventing gas escaping from carbonated…

How Bravin took on the challenge to upskill and pave a new career path

Meet Bravin, a passionate learner from Kenya who decided to enroll in the Coursera Workforce Recovery Initiative. During a challenging time of unemployment, Bravin was determined to make the most of his time to upskill and prepare for re-entry into the workforce. See how he’s using his new skills and knowledge to pave a new […]
The post How Bravin took on…

How The Band Phish Played Chess Against Its Fans on New Year’s Eve

An anonymous reader writes: So on New Year’s Eve, the “jam” rock band Phish re-broadcast their legendary 1995 performance on New Year’s Eve — while playing a game of chess against the audience. (Just as they’d done in 1995 — although during that tour they’d made two just moves during each show.) In a video promoting this year’s event, a chess…

How the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Fought the Pandemic

In a long article titled “Gates versus the Pandemic,” Fast Company looks at the many mitigation efforts launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. – It’s one of the largest funders of the World Health Organization. – It’s partnered with the governments of Norway and India, the World Economic Forum, and the research-charity Wellcome Trust to launch an important group…

Rocket Lab Becomes Second Company After SpaceX To Launch and Land Orbital Rocket

Thelasko shares a report from Forbes: In a major milestone, the New Zealand-based launch company Rocket Lab has successfully recovered an orbital-class rocket after parachuting it back to Earth from near-space — only the second company in history ever to do so. Yesterday, Thursday, November 20 at 9.20 P.M. Eastern Time, the company’s two-stage Electron rocket lifted off from the company’s…

YouTube, Facebook and Twitter Align To Fight Covid Vaccine Conspiracies

YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have said they will join forces with fact-checkers, governments and researchers to try to come up with a new way of tackling misinformation. From a report: Vaccine misinformation has been rife on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, with many questioning their efficacy. At the same time, countries are preparing to roll out coronavirus vaccines in a bid to…

Mysterious Hackers Donating Stolen Money

A hacking group is donating stolen money to charity in what is seen as a mysterious first for cyber-crime that’s puzzling experts. smooth wombat writes: Darkside hackers claim to have extorted millions of dollars from companies, but say they now want to “make the world a better place.” In a post on the dark web, the gang posted receipts for $10,000…

Another California City Launches a Two-Year Guaranteed Income Program

The Los Angeles Times reports a new guaranteed income pilot program which within a few months “will begin giving 800 Compton residents free cash for a two-year period,” according to mayor Aja Brown:
So far, private donors have contributed $2.5 million to the Fund for Guaranteed Income, a charity headed by Nika Soon-Shiong, daughter of Los Angeles Times owner Patrick Soon-Shiong… Each…

What Happens When Researchers Give Thousands of Dollars to Homeless People?

CNN reports on “The New Leaf Project,” an initiative in which the University of British Columbia partnered with a Vancouver-based charity called Foundations for Social Change: Researchers gave 50 recently homeless people a lump sum of 7,500 Canadian dollars (nearly $5,700). They followed the cash recipients’ life over 12-18 months and compared their outcomes to that of a control group who…

Tesco, One of the World’s Largest Supermarket Operators, Sets 300% Sales Target For Plant-Based Alternatives To Meat

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Tesco is to become the first UK retailer to set a sales target for plant-based alternatives to meat as it steps up efforts to offer shoppers more sustainable options. The UK’s largest supermarket will on Tuesday commit to boosting sales of meat alternatives by 300% within five years, by 2025. Over the…