Mercury’s greatest elongation Mar 6, 2021

Mercury, the innermost planet, has a close conjunction with the king planet Jupiter on March 5, and then reaches its greatest elongation from the sun on March 6. Source:…

Do we all see the same moon phase?

No matter where you are on the globe, we all see the same moon. So why do photos from a distant location sometimes look different from what you’re seeing? Source:…

Mercury-Saturn quasi-conjunction on February 23, 2021

Will you see Saturn and Mercury in the east before sunup these next few mornings? It won’t be easy. They’re near the sunrise. Their quasi-conjunction comes on February 23. Source:…

Melting dusty ice may have carved Martian gullies

By analyzing the occurrences of exposed dusty ice on Mars using data from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, ASU planetary scientists Aditya Khuller and Philip Christensen have found the lowest latitude detection of dusty water ice on Mars. Source:…

Can you see Canopus, the 2nd-brightest star?

Here’s how to spot Canopus, the 2nd-brightest star in the sky as seen from Earth, on February evenings. Source:…

Venus-Jupiter conjunction February 11, 2021

Depending on where you live worldwide, the planets Venus and Jupiter will pair up most closely in the morning sky on February 11 or 12, 2021. Source:…

Observer’s challenge: Moon and morning planets on February 8, 9 and 10

Before sunrise on February 8, 9 and 10, 2021, the old moon might guide you to 3 morning planets: Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Fair warning. It won’t be easy to spot the planets so near the sunrise glare! Source:…

How to see Sirius B

Sirius is a binary star, with a small white dwarf called the Pup orbiting the large primary star. It’s not easy to observe, but it is possible. Here’s how. Source:…

Observer’s challenge: Venus-Saturn conjunction February 6, 2021

Can you still see Venus in the east before sunrise? It’s easier from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere than from the northern half of the globe. If you can see it, you just might catch the furtive rendezvous of Venus and Saturn at dawn on February 6, 2021. Source:…

Full Wolf Moon falls in late January 2021

Enjoy the full-looking moon in late January 2021, as this nocturnal sun brings some good cheer to the Northern Hemisphere’s long winter night. Source:…