Microsoft Launches Power Fx, a New Open Source Low-Code Language

Microsoft today announced Power Fx, a new low-code language that “will become the standard for writing logic customization across Microsoft’s own low-code Power Platform,” reports TechCrunch. “[S]ince the company is open-sourcing the language, Microsoft also hopes others will implement it as well and that it will become the de facto standard for these kinds of use cases.” From the report: Microsoft…

New Version of Microsoft Office Won’t Require You To Pay For a Subscription

In a company blog post Thursday, Microsoft released more details about the new, flat-price version of its Office productivity software coming later this year. The company emphasized that while its main focus remains in its subscription offering, Microsoft 365, it will release the one-time purchase Office 2021 for those who aren’t ready to move to the cloud. From a report: Office…

With New User-Defined Functions, Microsoft Excel is Now Turing Complete

Visual Studio Magazine reports: Microsoft, which calls its Excel spreadsheet a programming language, reports that an effort called LAMBDA to make it even more of a programming language is paying off, recently being deemed Turing complete. Being Turing complete is the litmus test of a full-fledged programming language, marking the ability to imitate a Turing machine. According to one definition, that…

Most Popular Courses by Country 2020

Course Partner The Science of Well-Being  Yale University COVID-19 Contact Tracing  Johns Hopkins University Technical Support Fundamentals Google Machine Learning Stanford University Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University UC San Diego   Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan Financial Markets Yale University Measuring and […]
The post Most Popular Courses by…

What Will Happen After Python Creator Guido Van Rossum Joins Microsoft?

Programming columnist Mike Melanson assesses the news that Guido Van Rossum, the creator of the Python programming language, has come out of retirement to join Microsoft’s developer division:
The news brought a flurry of congratulations and feature requests, though a few of the suggested features indeed, already exist. Others still were met with informative responses that make the resulting threads worth a…

Microsoft Overhauls Excel With Live Custom Data Types

Microsoft is overhauling Excel with the ability to support custom live data types. The Verge reports: You could import the data type for Seattle, for example, and then create a formula that references that single cell to pull out information on the population of Seattle. These data types work by cramming a set of structured data into a single cell in…

Microsoft Forces Windows 10 Restarts — To Install ‘Unsolicited, Unwanted’ Office Apps

The Verge’s senior news editor complains that without permission, Windows 10 restarted to install “unsolicited, unwanted web app versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook onto my computer.”
OK, it’s not as bad as when my entire computer screen got taken over by an unwanted copy of Microsoft Edge. That was truly egregious. No, this time Microsoft is merely sneaking unwanted web…

Q3 2020 Coursera for Business Quarterly Product Release

By Shwetabh Mittal, Senior Director, Product Management The great lockdown caused by COVID-19 has accelerated the need for digital skills. Companies are reallocating their digital talent to stay competitive and dedicating more time and resources to helping their employees learn about digital technologies. The pandemic has had an even bigger impact on higher education: around 1.6 […]
The post Q3 2020 Coursera for…

MS Excel Data Files Exceeding the Maximum Size Resulted in Nearly 16,000 Covid-19 Cases Go Unreported in England

rastos1 shares a report: The health secretary has said a technical glitch that saw nearly 16,000 Covid-19 cases go unreported in England “should never have happened.” The error meant that although those who tested positive were told about their results, their close contacts were not traced. By Monday afternoon, around half of those who tested positive had yet to be asked…

Covid-19 news: Almost 16,000 UK cases missed due to Excel error

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic Source:…