Most Popular Courses by Country 2020

Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being  Yale University
COVID-19 Contact Tracing  Johns Hopkins University
Technical Support Fundamentals Google
Machine Learning Stanford University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University UC San Diego  
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Financial Markets Yale University
Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing  Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Psychology Yale University
Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out Johns Hopkins University
Course Partner
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Machine Learning Stanford University
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Python Data Structures University of Michigan
AI For Everyone DeepLearning.AI
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Neural Networks and Deep Learning DeepLearning.AI
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
Financial Markets Yale University
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Course Partner
Finanzas personales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Contabilidad para no contadores Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Nutrición y obesidad: control de sobrepeso Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Fundamentos de la escritura Tecnológico de Monterrey
Álgebra Básica Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Aprender Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Cómo hacer una tesis Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Course Partner
Machine Learning Stanford University
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
The Science of Well-Being  Yale University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Algorithms, Part I Princeton University
Financial Markets Yale University
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Neural Networks and Deep Learning DeepLearning.AI
Python Data Structures University of Michigan
Introduction to Psychology Yale University 
Course Partner
Marketing Digital Universidade de São Paulo
Introdução à Ciência da Computação com Python Parte 1 Universidade de São Paulo
Revisão Sistemática e Meta-análise Universidade Estadual de Campinas
The Science of Well-Being Yale University 
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Machine Learning Stanford University
Administração Financeira Insper
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan
Financial Markets Yale University
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University 
Machine Learning Stanford University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Financial Markets Yale University
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Introduction to Psychology Yale University 
Science Matters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19 Imperial College London
Modern Art & Ideas The Museum of Modern Art
Introduction to English Common Law University of London
Course Partner
Neurolinguistics Saint Petersburg State University
Основы программирования на Python National Research University Higher School of Economics
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
The Science of Well-Being Yale University 
Экономика для неэкономистов (Economics for non-economists) National Research University Higher School of Economics
Machine Learning Stanford University
Математика и Python для анализа данных Moscow Institute of Physics and TechnologyYandexE-Learning Development Fund
Основы фотографии Novosibirsk State University
Введение в машинное обучение National Research University Higher School of EconomicsYandex School of Data Analysis
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University 
Indigenous Canada University of Alberta
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 University of Toronto
Machine Learning Stanford University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Financial Markets Yale University
Science Literacy University of Alberta
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Psychological First Aid Johns Hopkins University
Course Partner
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Fundamentos de Finanzas Empresariales Universidad de los Andes
Aprendiendo a aprender: Poderosas herramientas mentales con las que podrás dominar temas difíciles University of California San DiegoMcMaster University
Fundamentos de Excel para Negocios Universidad Austral
Sexualidad…mucho más que sexo Universidad de los Andes
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Competencias digitales. Herramientas de ofimática (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
First Step Korean Yonsei University 
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Excel aplicado a los negocios (Nivel Avanzado) Universidad Austral
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP)  Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Competencias digitales. Herramientas de ofimática (Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Machine Learning Stanford University
Rastreo de los contactos de la COVID-19  Johns Hopkins University
Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1-B2 École Polytechnique
Cómo hablar bien en público Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Financial Markets Yale University
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Machine Learning Stanford University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1-B2 École Polytechnique
Devenir entrepreneur du changement HEC ParisTicket for Change
Financial Markets Yale University
Les transitions énergétique & écologique dans les pays du Sud École normale supérieure
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Neural Networks and Deep Learning DeepLearning.AI
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan
Machine Learning Stanford University
Financial Markets Yale University
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
Course Partner
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Machine Learning Stanford University
Chinese for Beginners Peking University
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Innovation Career Lessons from a Master Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Cracking the Creativity Code: Discovering Ideas Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Action-Driven Business Plan: From the ‘Classroom’ to the World Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
From Idea to Startup Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
First Step Korean Yonsei University 
Course Partner
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Introduction to Social Media Marketing Facebook
First Step Korean Yonsei University 
Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Johns Hopkins University
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
Fundamentals of Social Media Advertising Facebook
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
Social Media Management Facebook
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Course Partner
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
First Step Korean Yonsei University 
Introduction to Social Media Marketing Facebook
Machine Learning Stanford University
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Chinese for Beginners Peking University
Financial Markets Yale University
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills University of Michigan
Course Partner
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone Georgia Institute of Technology
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Machine Learning Stanford University
Fundamentals of Graphic Design California Institute of the Arts
Technical Support Fundamentals Google
Python Data Structures University of Michigan
Marketing in a Digital World University of Illinois
Course Partner
Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) University of Michigan
English for Career Development University of Pennsylvania
Machine Learning Stanford University
AI For Everyone DeepLearning.AI
The Science of Well-Being Yale University
Excel Skills for Business: Essentials Macquarie University
Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology
Fundamentals of Graphic Design California Institute of the Arts
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects McMaster University University of California San Diego  
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone Georgia Institute of Technology
* Courses calculated with average daily enrollments from January 1 to November 30, 2020.

The post Most Popular Courses by Country 2020 appeared first on Coursera Blog.
