Wormholes may be lurking in the universe—and new studies are proposing ways of finding them

Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity profoundly changed our thinking about fundamental concepts in physics, such as space and time. But it also left us with some deep mysteries. One was black holes, which were only unequivocally detected over the past few years. Another was “wormholes”—bridges connecting different points in spacetime, in theory providing shortcuts for space travelers. Source: https://phys.org/news/2021-01-wormholes-lurking-universeand-ways.html…

Apple Added a Secret Button To Your iPhone

Your iPhone got a new button last month, and you may not have even noticed. The Verge reports: No, Apple didn’t sneak into your house and secretly superglue a button onto your smartphone. But it did release iOS 14, the latest version of its iPhone software, which includes a feature called Back Tap. Back Tap adds a fascinating new “button” to…

Microsoft Forces Windows 10 Restarts — To Install ‘Unsolicited, Unwanted’ Office Apps

The Verge’s senior news editor complains that without permission, Windows 10 restarted to install “unsolicited, unwanted web app versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook onto my computer.”
OK, it’s not as bad as when my entire computer screen got taken over by an unwanted copy of Microsoft Edge. That was truly egregious. No, this time Microsoft is merely sneaking unwanted web…

Is the rush to roll out a coronavirus vaccine undermining safety?

Some shortcuts are being taken in the race to get a coronavirus vaccine approved, but there are also more resources, openness and scrutiny than ever before Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24732973-900-is-the-rush-to-roll-out-a-coronavirus-vaccine-undermining-safety/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

We all have hidden prejudices – here’s how to override them

Confronting our unconscious biases requires concerted effort. Fortunately, there are simple things everyone can do to avoid the cognitive shortcuts that underpin them Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2252873-we-all-have-hidden-prejudices-heres-how-to-override-them/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

Dogs May Use Earth’s Magnetic Field to Navigate

sciencehabit shares an article from Science magazine:
Dogs are renowned for their world-class noses, but a new study suggests they may have an additional — albeit hidden — sensory talent: a magnetic compass. The sense appears to allow them to use Earth’s magnetic field to calculate shortcuts in unfamiliar terrain. The finding is a first in dogs, says Catherine Lohmann, a biologist…

Microsoft Worked With Google To Bring Progressive Web Apps To the Play Store

Microsoft has been collaborating with Google to ensure that their tools interoperate and can help developers get their Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) into the Play Store. From a report: “We’re glad to announce a new collaboration between Microsoft and Google for the benefit of the web developer community,” Microsoft’s Judah Gabriel Himango announced. “Microsoft’s PWABuilder and Google’s Bubblewrap are now working…

‘Hey Siri, I’m Getting Pulled Over’: iPhone Feature Will Record Police Interaction, Send Location

An iPhone user created a shortcut that prompts an iPhone to begin recording police interactions by the user simply uttering the phrase: “Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over.” The task utilizes Apple’s relatively new “Shortcuts” feature, which allows users to conduct tasks on their phones with a single voice command using Siri. From a report: Twitter user Robert Petersen posted a…

Google Chrome 85 To Allow Users To Compose Tweets From Windows 10 Taskbar

In the “quick launch bar” of Windows 10, native app icons “support a shortcut menu for commonly or frequently performed tasks in the app. This menu can be invoked by right-clicking the app’s quick launch bar icon,” writes the Windows Club site — adding that Mac users can use similar functionality when opening a web browser from the MacOS dock. But…

Microsoft’s New PowerToys Run Launcher for Windows 10 is Now Available To Download

Microsoft is releasing a new Spotlight-like launcher app for Windows 10 today. Designed to replace and modernize the existing Win + R shortcut, the new PowerToys Run launcher includes quick search for apps and files across Windows, plugins like a calculator, and the ability to find running processes. From a report: This early version will support basic search tasks that are…