Astronauts Grow Radishes in a Microfarm on the International Space Station

From a report: The thought of eating “astronaut food” brings to mind a kind of instant food that is far from “farm to table.” However, recent experiments aboard the ISS are improving our understanding of how to bring the farm directly into space itself. Astronauts just ran a Veg-PONDS 02 experiment on the International Space Station. The experiment used food that…

Dogs May Use Earth’s Magnetic Field to Navigate

sciencehabit shares an article from Science magazine:
Dogs are renowned for their world-class noses, but a new study suggests they may have an additional — albeit hidden — sensory talent: a magnetic compass. The sense appears to allow them to use Earth’s magnetic field to calculate shortcuts in unfamiliar terrain. The finding is a first in dogs, says Catherine Lohmann, a biologist…

Verily Told Senators That it Has Run More Than 7,000 Tests For COVID-19 and Plans To Keep the Mandatory Google Sign-in

Verily, the Alphabet life sciences division that launched its COVID-19 screening and testing program last month, is still under scrutiny from lawmakers over how it is collecting users’ data, as well as its plans to expand its test sites outside of California. From a report: At the end of March, five US senators wrote to Verily asking, among several other things,…

Astronaut conducts heart research on station with former colleague

When NASA astronaut Jessica Meir recently slipped her hands into the Life Sciences Glovebox on the International Space Station to conduct a new investigation on heart tissues, she brought a lengthy scientific collaboration full circle. Source:…

Google Sister-Company’s Coronavirus Website Rolls Out To Confusion

A website intended to facilitate nationwide testing for coronavirus that was promoted by President Trump in a news conference on Friday quickly reached capacity when it went live in a small pilot project late on Sunday night. The New York Times reports: The website, created by Verily, a life sciences unit of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, fell far short of the…

How to Increase Female Participation in STEM (Gender Gap)

While you’ve likely heard the reasons why women leave STEM fields, Dr. Diana Bilimoria researches why they stay along with other ways to develop and advance the careers of women in STEM. Recognized internationally for her leadership and research, Dr. Diana Bilimoria is a Key Bank Professor and Chair of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead […]
The post How to Increase Female…

What Happened After The Explosion at a Virology Campus in Siberia?

Lasrick writes: You may remember the explosion at VECTOR, once a center of Soviet biological warfare research. Filippa Lentzos, senior research fellow jointly appointed in the Departments of War Studies and of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London, just posted an update on what happened after the explosion. Her research focuses on biological threats and on the security…

New Gene Editing Tool Could Fix Most Harmful DNA Mutations

Scientists have raised fresh hopes for treating people with genetic disorders by inventing a powerful new molecular tool that, in principle, can correct the vast majority of mutations that cause human genetic diseases. From a report: The procedure, named “prime editing,” can mend about 89% of the 75,000 or so harmful mutations known to mangle the human genome and lead to…