RIAA’s YouTube-DL Takedown Ticks Off Developers and GitHub’s CEO

An RIAA takedown request, which removed the YouTube-DL repository from GitHub, has ticked off developers and GitHub’s CEO. Numerous people responded by copying and republishing the contested code, including in some quite clever ways. Meanwhile, GitHub’s CEO is “annoyed” as well, offering help to get the repo reinstated. TorrentFreak reports: Soon after the RIAA notice took YouTube-DL offline many developers spoke…

Louise Gluck Is Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature

The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded on Thursday to Louise Gluck, one of America’s most celebrated poets, “for her unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal.” The award was announced at a news conference in Stockholm. From a report: Gluck, who was born in New York in 1943, has written numerous poetry collections, many of which…

AI Can Make Music, Screenplays, and Poetry. What About a Movie?

Want a movie where a protagonist your age, race, sexuality, gender, and religion becomes an Olympic swimmer? You got it. Want a movie where someone demographically identical to your boss gets squeezed to death and devoured by a Burmese python? Your wish is its command. From a report: Want to leave out the specifics and let fate decide what never-before-imagined movie…

‘Looking at an Alien Sky’: New Horizons Probe Sees Stars From a New View

Long-time Slashdot reader JoeRobe writes: Space.com and other outlets are reporting on new pictures of Wolf 359 and Proxima Centauri sent back from New Horizons. The images show clear parallax between the view from Earth and from the spacecraft 6.9 billion km away. In effect, New Horizons is looking up at a visually different star field than we are… NASA has…

Coursera Together: Free online learning during COVID-19

Coursera Together: Free online learning & community resources during COVID-19 As each of us navigate the impact of COVID-19 on our lives, we hope that you can find comfort in the strength of the Coursera community. Know that you’re not alone, and we’re here to help in any way that we can.  During this time, […]
The post Coursera Together: Free online…

Guido van Rossum Explains How Python Makes Thinking in Code Easier

Dropbox’s Work in Progress blog shared a 2000-word “conversation with the creator of the world’s most popular programming language,” noting that many computer science schools are switching over from Java to Python, and arguing that “JavaScript still owns the web, and Java runs 2.5 billion Android phones, but for general purpose programming and education, Python has become the default standard.” They…

India’s Ominous Future: Too Little Water, or Far Too Much

Throughout India, the number of days with very heavy rains has increased over the last century. At the same time, the dry spells between storms have gotten longer. Showers that reliably penetrate the soil are less common. For a country that relies on rain for the vast share of its water, that combination is potentially ruinous. The New York Times reports:…

Trending Data Science Skills

Demand for data-driven decision makers continues to grow.  There’s a projected 15% growth in data science careers and 110,000 new jobs for data-driven decision makers by 2020. According to our analysis of global skills, the most sought-after data science skills include math, statistics, machine learning, data management, statistical programming, and data visualization. Whether you’re looking […]
The post Trending Data Science Skills…

Trending Tech Skills

New technologies are changing the way the world works. As a result, governments and organizations are looking for talent with skills that will prepare them for the future. According to our analysis of global skills, demand for technology skills has increased 13% across the globe in the last year. Other important skills like Kubernetes, robotic […]
The post Trending Tech Skills appeared…

Suzanne Collins has written a Hunger Games prequel set to come out in 2020

Source: https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/6/22/18701159/suzanne-collins-hunger-games-prequel…