How the Brain Handles the Unknown

Uncertainty can be hard for humans. It drives anxiety, an emotion neuroscientists are trying to understand and psychologists are trying to better treat. From a report: Under the threat of a virus, job insecurity, election uncertainty, and a general pandemic life-in-limbo that is upending school, holidays and more, people are especially anxious. Before the pandemic, anxiety was already climbing in the…

Scientists Find Brain Center That ‘Profoundly’ Shuts Down Pain

A research team from Duke University has found a small area of the brain in mice that can profoundly shut down pain. “It’s located in an area where few people would have thought to look for an anti-pain center, the amygdala, which is often considered the home of negative emotions and responses, like the fight or flight response and general anxiety,”…

Elucidating the mechanism of a light-driven sodium pump

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have succeeded for the first time in recording a light-driven sodium pump from bacterial cells in action. The findings promise progress in the development of new methods in neurobiology. The researchers used the new X-ray free-electron laser SwissFEL for their investigations. They have published their findings today in the journal Nature. …

Coursera Together: Free online learning during COVID-19

Coursera Together: Free online learning & community resources during COVID-19 As each of us navigate the impact of COVID-19 on our lives, we hope that you can find comfort in the strength of the Coursera community. Know that you’re not alone, and we’re here to help in any way that we can.  During this time, […]
The post Coursera Together: Free online…

Group of Biologists Tries To Bury the Idea That Plants Are Conscious

Frustrated by more than a decade of research which claims to reveal intentions, feelings and even consciousness in plants, more traditionally minded botanists have finally snapped. Plants, they protest, are emphatically not conscious. From a report: The latest salvo in the plant consciousness wars has been fired by US, British and German biologists who argue that practitioners of “plant neurobiology” have…