Gulf Stream at its weakest in over 1,000 years

A new study suggests that the Gulf Stream – an Atlantic Ocean current that plays a large role in shaping Earth’s weather patterns – is weaker now than at any point in the last 1,000 years. Source:…

Start-up founder Mary-Brenda shares how learning can empower you to discover a world without limits

Meet Mary-Brenda! She is an entrepreneur and founder of a social impact start-up focused on expanding access to affordable, clean energy throughout Nigeria. She is also a lifelong learner with ambitious academic goals and a thirst for new skills and knowledge that she can apply to make a positive impact in the world. She ultimately […]
The post Start-up founder Mary-Brenda shares…

Why AWS Is Forking Elasticsearch and Kibana

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes at ZDNet: When Elastic, makers of the open-source search and analytic engine Elasticsearch, went after Amazon Web Services (AWS) by changing its license from the open-source Apache 2.0-license ALv2) to the non-open-source friendly Server Side Public License, I predicted “we’d soon see AWS-sponsored Elasticsearch and Kibana forks.” The next day, AWS tweeted it “will launch new forks…

Famous Earthrise photo taken on Christmas Eve

A Christmas Eve photograph showed humans their home world from a whole new perspective. This is the photo that’s said to have launched the environmental movement. It’s “Earthrise,” the iconic photo taken by astronaut William Anders on the 4th orbit of the moon aboard Apollo 8 on December 24, 1968. Source:…

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Beta Rolls Out To Rave Reviews

Rei writes: “Oh, it’s going dude!” “But there’s no lanes — there’s cars on the side of the road!” “DUDE, it’s navigating through it ALL, bro!” … “It paused to look DUDE!” “There’s NO LANES! Elon, you madman!” Such was one of the many reaction videos to come out overnight as Tesla released a major upgrade of Autopilot to a limited…

Mars to reach opposition October 13

Earth passes between Mars and the sun, at opposition, on October 13, 2020, yet the Earth and Mars actually come closest together on October 6, 2020. Source:…

Accelerating your journey to a master’s degree and career advancement

With MasterTrack™ Certificates on Coursera, you have the unique opportunity to advance your education and your career simultaneously. By successfully completing a MasterTrack™ Certificate program, you can earn credit towards a master’s degree and receive a university-issued career credential that affirms your new skills and capabilities. To create a MasterTrack Certificate program, we split a […]
The post Accelerating your journey to…

What are brown dwarfs?

A brown dwarf is more massive than a planet, but less massive than a star. Exactly how much more and less? Source:…