Tesla Update Turns Cars into Boomboxes, Adds Three In-Car Videogames and Customizable Honking

Engadget reports:
Electrek notes that Tesla has released its promised holiday update, and the centerpiece appears to be a Boombox mode that pumps media outside as long as you have a recent-enough EV with a pedestrian speaker system, like later Model 3 production runs… Other updates include a smarter Scheduled Departure that preconditions the battery and cabin without plugging in, larger driving…

Will Tesla Update Bring Remote Access To Car Cameras?

“Tesla’s Sentry Mode is about to bring things to a whole new level by enabling Tesla owners to remotely see what their cars can see through Autopilot cameras,” claims Electrek — citing a Twitter user named green “who has been revealing new Tesla features found in software updates.” “It’s not certain when the live camera update would arrive, provided it’s not…

Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Beta Rolls Out To Rave Reviews

Rei writes: “Oh, it’s going dude!” “But there’s no lanes — there’s cars on the side of the road!” “DUDE, it’s navigating through it ALL, bro!” … “It paused to look DUDE!” “There’s NO LANES! Elon, you madman!” Such was one of the many reaction videos to come out overnight as Tesla released a major upgrade of Autopilot to a limited…

Tesla Starts Full Self-Driving Beta Rollout

Tesla has started the rollout of its Full Self-Driving Beta update, which Elon Musk said “will be extremely slow and cautious.” From the report: We have been expecting the update for a while now. Over the last few months, Elon Musk has been talking about Tesla working on “a significant foundational rewrite in the Tesla Autopilot.” He has been teasing the…

Tesla Owner: I Butt-Dialed a $4,280 Autopilot Upgrade — And They Haven’t Refunded Me

CNBC reports: On September 24th, physician Dr. Ali Vaziri was unpleasantly surprised by a mobile alert from his bank, which said he had just purchased a $4,280 upgrade for his Tesla Model 3. The large transaction, he quickly surmised, was a “butt dial” or accidental purchase made through the Tesla app on his iPhone. “My phone was in my jeans,” Vaziri…

Split-Second ‘Phantom’ Images Can Fool Tesla’s Autopilot

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University of the Negev have spent the last two years experimenting with “phantom” images to trick semi-autonomous driving systems. They previously revealed that they could use split-second light projections on roads to successfully trick Tesla’s driver-assistance systems into automatically stopping without warning when its camera sees spoofed images…

Tesla Hacker Reveals What Driver-Facing Camera Is Looking For

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Electrek: A Tesla hacker has revealed what Tesla’s driver-facing camera in Model 3 and Model Y is looking for — hinting at driver monitoring feature. When Tesla launched the Model 3, it equipped the vehicle with a standard cabin-facing camera located in the rearview mirror. At the time, the automaker said that the camera…

Tesla’s Elon Musk Promises Full Self-Driving Autopilot Beta In ‘A Month Or So’

“I think we’ll hopefully release a private beta of Autopilot — the full self-driving version of autopilot — in, I think a month or so?” CEO Elon Musk said this week at Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting/Battery Day event. “And then people will really understand the magnitude of the change,” said Musk adding, “It’s profound. You’ll see what it’s like, it’s amazing.”…

Are Tesla’s Data-Gathering Cars Secretly Improving Autopilot’s Algorithms?

“When the history of autonomous cars is written, the winner will be Tesla,” speculates long-time technology pundit Robert Cringely. “Heck, I think they’ve already won.” But his article includes a disclaimer that it’s “based pretty much on logic, not knowledge, which is to say I might again be too frigging stupid to read, much less write.” Tesla has more than a…

Tesla’s Touchscreen Wiper Controls Ruled Illegal In Germany

New submitter Rei_is_a_dumbass shares a report from Electrek: Tesla’s wiper controls through its touchscreen have been ruled illegal in Germany after someone crashed their Model 3 while using them and fought a fine and driving ban through the court system. A Tesla Model 3 driver got into an accident while using the touchscreen to adjust the speed of the automatic windshield…