Disney+ Added Content Disclaimers to 18 Episodes of ‘The Muppet Show’

118 episodes of Jim Henson’s classic TV series The Muppet Show are now streaming on Disney+, writes the AV Club — but 18 episodes now begin with a content disclaimer… The text of the disclaimers, which cannot be skipped past and include little 12-second timers so you know that you have to sit through them, explain that the episodes feature “negative…

Will ‘Vision AI’ Be The Next Frontier for Developers?

A partner at an early-stage investment firm argues that “in the 2000s everyone was learning HTML and making a website. In the 2010s everyone was learning to develop mobile apps. In the 2020s all the developers are going to build Vision AI.” Where the web had its impact was by digitizing manual paper-based processes… I believe the next big wave is…

Ask Slashdot: Did You Upgrade To macOS Big Sur?

Yesterday, Apple released the latest version of macOS: macOS Big Sur (also known as macOS 11.0) and the rollout was anything but smooth. Many users have complained about Apple services such as iMessage, or even Apple Pay, not working for them. Personally, my 5K iMac (2013), which isn’t even compatible with Big Sur, ground to a halt yesterday, as I was…

Are Tesla’s Data-Gathering Cars Secretly Improving Autopilot’s Algorithms?

“When the history of autonomous cars is written, the winner will be Tesla,” speculates long-time technology pundit Robert Cringely. “Heck, I think they’ve already won.” But his article includes a disclaimer that it’s “based pretty much on logic, not knowledge, which is to say I might again be too frigging stupid to read, much less write.” Tesla has more than a…

Facebook To Let Users Turn Off Political Ads

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg says users will be able to turn off political adverts on the social network in the run-up to the 2020 US election. The BBC reports: In a piece written for USA Today newspaper, he also says he hopes to help four million Americans sign up as new voters. “For those of you who’ve already made up your…