YouTube Looks To Demonetization As Punishments For Major Creators, But It Doesn’t Work

YouTube is looking to send a message to content creators who step out of line by disabling ads on videos that infringe on the site’s policies. The punishment is meant to revoke a key source of income, presenting a strong incentive for users to change their behavior. But, as Julia Alexander writes via The Verge, many creators make money through other…

Caterpillar Takes Tiny ‘Cat & Cloud’ Coffee Shop To Court Over Trademark

“Caterpillar Inc. is trying to stop a tiny cafe from using the word cat,” reports Fast Company. Long-time Slashdot reader UnknowingFool writes:
Caterpillar wishes to cancels the coffee shop’s trademark claiming that the trademark on shop’s apparel and footwear is too similar to theirs and would cause confusion for consumers. For reference, the coffee shop’s t-shirts and merchandise feature a cat and…

Amazon is Poised To Unleash a Long-Feared Purge of Small Suppliers

Two months ago, Amazon halted orders from thousands of suppliers with no explanation. Panic ensued — until the orders quietly resumed weeks later, with Amazon suggesting the pause was part of a campaign to weed out counterfeit products. Suppliers breathed a sigh of relief. Now a larger, more permanent purge is coming that will upend the relationship between the world’s largest…

Bookstores band together for Independent Bookstore Day


Vox Sentences: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?”


North of Happiness – 5 States of Being That Will Launch You Past Happiness

Gary Z McGee – Many of us go through life thinking happiness is the be-all, end-all; the ultimate prize. Source:…

Nike Releases Flat Earther’s UFO and Illuminati-Themed Shoes on 4/20

You know we as a society have hit peak conspiracy theory and UFO saturation when these elements of our cultural consciousness and folklore start popping up in unexpected and high-profile places: mass media, professional sports leagues, and even the halls of the U.S. government. UFOs, the paranormal, and all things conspiracy-related may be hot right… Read more » Source:…

This Overlook Hotel Welcome Mat Is the Best, Least Inviting Way to Greet Your Friends

The idea of a welcome mat, generally, is to make someone feel invited into your home. It’s a form of greeting for your friends and their (presumably dirty) feet. This welcome mat, inspired by The Shining, won’t do that. But if you’re looking to make your home feel more supernaturally unsettling, you’re in luck. Read… Continue reading This Overlook Hotel Welcome Mat Is the Best, Least Inviting Way to Greet Your Friends