Did Linux Kill Commercial Unix?

When Dave McKay first used computers, punched paper tape was in vogue, “and he has been programming ever since,” according to his biography page at How-To Geek. It adds that “His use of computers pre-dates the birth of the PC and the public release of Unix.” Now long-time Slashdot reader sbinning shares McKay’s “short history of UNIX and how Linux got…

Dropping WhatsApp? Despite Privacy Concerns, Nostalgia Drives Users to ICQ

Here’s an interesting tidbit from The Wall Street Journal:
ICQ was a pioneering, mid-1990s internet messaging service then used on bulky PCs on dial-up. It was a precursor to AOL Instant Messenger, and was last in vogue when the TV show “Friends” was in its prime and PalmPilots were cutting edge. It’s been modernized over the years, and now is an app…

Copyright Lobby Calls Out Plex For Not Doing Enough To Stop Piracy

An anonymous reader shares a report: For those who don’t want to dive fully into torrents, Plex is a great alternative for streaming television shows and movies for free. Officially, Plex is a “neutral” media player, and it first became popular with people looking to stream content between devices at home, like from their desktop in the study to their laptop…

The Weird and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board

Of all of the ways of supposedly contacting the dead and the world beyond what we see, by far the most widely available and easy-to-use is the Ouija board. It has variously called a party game or a potent window to another realm, and has been the basis for numerous movies, books, and TV shows…. Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/05/the-weird-and-mysterious-history-of-the-ouija-board/…

Vox Sentences: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?”

Source: https://www.vox.com/vox-sentences/2019/4/23/18513267/vox-sentences-census-citizenship-supreme-court…

Vox Sentences: Right to marry, right to work?

Source: https://www.vox.com/vox-sentences/2019/4/22/18511376/sri-lanka-easter-bombings-lgbtq-supreme-court…