Scientists Find Brain Center That ‘Profoundly’ Shuts Down Pain

A research team from Duke University has found a small area of the brain in mice that can profoundly shut down pain. “It’s located in an area where few people would have thought to look for an anti-pain center, the amygdala, which is often considered the home of negative emotions and responses, like the fight or flight response and general anxiety,”…

See how Rayan found a new career path in digital marketing

Meet Rayan, a 26-year-old marketing analyst from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In this post, he discusses his journey to a successful digital marketing career, and how his commitment to learning new skills on Coursera helped make it possible. Ready for a change After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics in 2016, I stayed unemployed for two […]
The post See how Rayan found…

2020 Coursera Virtual Conference: Reflections and Resources

By the Coursera Conference Team The Coursera Conference is an opportunity for our global community to engage around innovative teaching and learning experiences. This year, after careful consideration for the growing concerns surrounding the spread of COVID-19, the Coursera Conference transitioned from a two day, in-person event to a free, fully virtual experience focused on […]
The post 2020 Coursera Virtual Conference:…

Some School Districts Plan To End the Year Early, Call Remote Learning Too Tough

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Some districts are giving up on remote learning and ending the academic year early, after concluding that it was too cumbersome for teachers, students and parents. Washington, D.C., as well as parts of Georgia, Texas and elsewhere plan to end a week to several weeks early. Schools have struggled to…

Helping governments respond to the unemployment crisis caused by the coronavirus

By Leah Belsky, Chief Enterprise Officer and Kevin Mills, Head of Government Partnerships As businesses across sectors lay off workers due to an abrupt economic slowdown, the world faces the biggest unemployment crisis in the modern era. The pandemic has affected the livelihoods of 2.7 billion workers globally. In the U.S. alone, jobless claims have […]
The post Helping governments respond to…

Launching New Content As More Learners Move Online: 2 Degrees, 8 MasterTracks, and 100 Guided Projects

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO Coursera The profound impact of COVID-19 has forced us to rethink many aspects of our lives. Overnight, the global education system had to find ways to mitigate the impact of more than 1.5 billion students seeing their campuses closed. Since then, it has been heartwarming to witness the heroic efforts of […]
The post Launching New Content As…

New handle for controlling electromagnetic properties could enable spintronic computing

Materials scientists at Duke University have shown the first clear example that a material’s transition into a magnet can control instabilities in its crystalline structure that cause it to change from a conductor to an insulator. …

Helping universities and colleges take learning online in response to the coronavirus

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO Coursera  The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most serious global health security threat in decades. In many countries, restrictions imposed by government agencies have disrupted daily routines for millions, including students. Many universities in the impacted regions have suspended face-to-face seminars, closed campuses, and are scrambling to find a […]
The post Helping universities and colleges…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – January 2020

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant 2020 is already proving to be an exciting year for skill development on Coursera. Our university and industry partners launched over 60 courses in January – an average of 2 courses per day. Our new courses range in topic from IT automation and feature engineering to visual analytics, […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

What Makes A Dog Smart? Are Certain Dog Breeds Smarter?

Ever looked at your dog and wonder just what they’re thinking? That’s the question Dr. Brian Hare has spent his career trying to answer. He’s a scientist, New York Times bestselling author of the book, The Genius of Dogs, and Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University in North Carolina. His publications on dog cognition […]
The post What Makes A Dog…