Hundreds Riot, Thousands Protest at iPhone Factory in India

The international news agency AFP reports on “a violent rampage at a Taiwanese-run iPhone factory in southern India” leading to over 100 arrests. About 2,000 workers were involved in the protest, reports the Verge, citing the Indian Express newspaper. The workers are protesting over allegations of unpaid wages and exploitation, according to AFP. “Local media reported workers saying they had not…

Tech Startups Say New Pay Rules for H-1B Visas Are Unaffordable

New rules from the Trump administration restricting skilled foreign workers are unnerving U.S. startup hubs, as founders and investors say the limitations will hamstring their ability to recruit top-tier talent to grow their businesses [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; free syndicated source]. From a report: The changes to the H-1B visa program announced in October will make qualifying for…

Trump Administration Announces Overhaul of H-1B Visa Program

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Mercury News: The administration of President Donald Trump on Tuesday moved to impose major new limits on use of the controversial H-1B visa, intended for jobs requiring specialized skills and widely used by Silicon Valley technology firms. The new rules are expected to reduce the pool of skilled labor and raise costs for…

Google Contractors Allege Company Prevents Them From Whistleblowing, Writing Silicon Valley Novels

Google contract employees are alleging the company’s confidentiality agreements prevent them from a range of legal rights from whistleblowing to telling their parents how much they make, according to a recent court filing. From a report: A California appeals court recently discussed a lawsuit accusing Google and one of its staffing firms, Adecco, of violating a number of California labor laws,…

Netflix CEO on Paying Sky-High Salaries: ‘The Best Are Easily 10 Times Better Than Average’

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, writing at CNBC: In the first few years of Netflix, we were growing fast and needed to hire more software engineers. With my new understanding that high talent density would be the engine of our success, we focused on finding the top performers in the market. In Silicon Valley, many of them worked for Google, Apple, and…

Amazon Plans Vancouver Expansion Where Talent Is Cheap

Amazon expects to nearly triple its workforce in Vancouver, where software engineers are cheap, smart and plentiful. From a report: The online retail giant plans to occupy a bunker-like former Canada Post mailing center that’s being redeveloped into a new 1.1 million square-foot office to house 8,000 jobs by 2023, Jesse Dougherty, a vice president and Vancouver site lead at Amazon,…

In India, Engineers and MBAs Are Turning To Manual Labor To Survive the Economic Crash

As India’s economy reels in the aftermath of one of the world’s strictest lockdowns, a rural employment program has emerged as a lifeline for some of the tens of millions left jobless. From a report: The government program — which aims to guarantee 100 days of unskilled work in rural areas — was intended to combat poverty and reduce the volatility…

Introducing Career Learning Paths: Learn the skills to advance your career with confidence

By Janani Subramanian, Senior Product Manager, Coursera Embarking on a new chapter of your career journey can be a powerful emotional experience. You may feel excitement and anticipation, but also anxiety and stress. Whether you’re looking for your first job, pursuing a promotion, or contemplating a mid-career switch to a new field, there are always […]
The post Introducing Career Learning Paths:…

Americans Lag Behind Other Countries — and Pay More for Their Cellphone Service

“American consumers pay significantly more for cellphone service than people in many other countries,” reports the New York Times. It’s in an article headlined “The U.S. Is Lagging Behind Many Rich Countries. These Charts Show Why.” Although executives’ salaries have risen in most countries, relative to those of workers, in recent decades, the trend is more extreme in the U.S… The…

Uber’s New Strategy: Buy Unprofitable Companies, ???, Profit

Uber’s new strategy is just like its old one. Make its money-losing business bigger by buying other money-losing businesses like Postmates. From a report: After Uber’s merger talks with food-delivery company Grubhub fell apart, Uber has now set its sights on Postmates, according to the New York Times. Uber Eats, the ride-hailing company’s food-delivery unit, is just as unprofitable as the…