Is Digital Banking the Wave of the Future?

CNN looks at a unique new digital bank named Greenwood — and its implications for the future of banking:
Greenwood was created by Bounce TV founder Ryan Glover and his close friend, rapper-activist Michael “Killer Mike” Render. The leadership team at Greenwood, which includes former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, unveiled their new platform on Thursday after raising more than $3 million in…

Repeating fast radio burst woke up again on schedule. Now what?

FRB 121102 is one of the few known repeating fast radio bursts, and astronomers are trying to use this new period of activity to understand it better. Some predict the current active phase should end sometime between August 31 and September 9. Will it? Source:…

Extremely intense radio burst detected from magnetar SGR 1935+2154

Using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) radio telescope, astronomers have detected a bright, millisecond-duration radio burst from a galactic magnetar known as SGR 1935+2154. The discovery of such an extremely intense event, reported in a paper published May 20, could be important for improving the understanding of the origin of fast radio bursts (FRBs). Source:…

Is That a Rooster on My Customer-Support Call? Yes, Blame Coronavirus.

When Robin Frost called Verizon’s customer support last month, she was connected with a rooster. At least that’s what it sounded like. The Pennsylvania resident wanted to ask about a problem with the telecom company’s app, but the agent on the line said she couldn’t hear. Punctuating her words was “the sound of a very authentic, real-sounding rooster,” Ms. Frost recalled….

A mystery solved? Fast Radio Burst detected within Milky Way

Fast Radio Bursts are very mysterious bursts of radio waves – perhaps just a thousandth of a second long – coming from all over the sky. This new discovery of one in our own galaxy is a stunner! Source:…

Mysterious fast radio burst repeats in 16-day rhythm

For the first time, a fast radio burst has been found to be repeating, in a regular 16-day cycle. The baffling detection from the CHIME radio telescope deepens the mystery of these bizarre intergalactic objects. Source:…