Coursera Together: Free online learning during COVID-19

Coursera Together: Free online learning & community resources during COVID-19 As each of us navigate the impact of COVID-19 on our lives, we hope that you can find comfort in the strength of the Coursera community. Know that you’re not alone, and we’re here to help in any way that we can.  During this time, […]
The post Coursera Together: Free online…

More essential coronavirus links: March 17-23

A roundup of information from physicians, scientists and journalists. Source:…

Eggshells support idea that dinosaurs were warm-blooded

Were dinosaurs warm-blooded or cold-blooded? According to a new study that analyzed the chemistry of dinosaur eggshells, the answer is “warm”. Source:…

What Happened When Tulsa Paid People to Work Remotely

Remember when Tulsa, Oklahoma offered $10,000 to remote workers who’d relocate to their city? It was an immensely popular program. “You have better odds of getting into Harvard or Yale than you do of getting into the Tulsa Remote program,” the city’s mayor told CityLab: All of the Remoters get a free one-year membership to the coworking space, though others prefer…

Introducing Coursera Plus: a subscription plan for unlimited learning

by Anubhav Chopra, Lead Product Manager, Consumer Everyone comes to Coursera with a unique learning goal. Some learners want just a single course on a specific topic, while others, like Sagi from Jakarta, take well over 20 courses in a variety of domains. Now, through Coursera Plus, a new subscription program that we’re piloting, learners […]
The post Introducing Coursera Plus: a…

Google Experimented on Its Own Employees To Get Them To Eat Healthier

This week Medium’s tech blog OneZero published a 4,500-word look at Google’s “methodical, iterative” and massive “living experiment” on its own employees to see if they can nudge them into making healthier choices when they eat:
The campaign isn’t changing just the food itself, but how it’s presented. Google’s tactics include limiting portion sizes for meat and desserts and redesigning its premises…

Four research-based strategies for achieving your goals

Whether you’re aiming for a promotion, a career change, or even a degree—learning can take you anywhere. But first you need to know where you’re going. Throughout January, we’ve been sharing expert advice and research-based strategies to help you set your goals and achieve them. Take a look at these four strategies that you can […]
The post Four research-based strategies for…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – December 2019

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant Coursera’s university and industry partners launched over 50 courses in December to round out 2019. Our new courses range in topic from the data-heavy – including new AI, cloud, and analytics courses – to cultural intelligence, public health, security management, and business English. Here are our top picks […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Interstellar object closest to the sun today

The fascinating object 2I/Borisov has been steadily brightening as it nears its encounter with our sun. It’ll pass closest to the sun on December 8, 2019, then flee again toward interstellar space. Source:…

Astronomers Have Now Photographed A Second Interstellar Comet

“A new photo shows the solar system’s second confirmed interstellar visitor in an impressive new light,” writes elainerd (Slashdot reader #94,528) quotes their report:
A team of astronomers from Yale University in Connecticut imaged Comet 2I/Borisov last Sunday (Nov. 24) using the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, revealing the object’s tail to be nearly 100,000 miles (160,000 kilometers) long. That’s about 14…