US Issues Warning After Microsoft Says China Hacked Its Mail Server Program

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: The U.S. has issued an emergency warning after Microsoft said it caught China hacking into its mail and calendar server program, called Exchange. The perpetrator, Microsoft said in a blog post, is a hacker group that the company has “high confidence” is working for the Chinese government and primarily spies on American…

Microsoft Launches Power Fx, a New Open Source Low-Code Language

Microsoft today announced Power Fx, a new low-code language that “will become the standard for writing logic customization across Microsoft’s own low-code Power Platform,” reports TechCrunch. “[S]ince the company is open-sourcing the language, Microsoft also hopes others will implement it as well and that it will become the de facto standard for these kinds of use cases.” From the report: Microsoft…

Linus Torvalds Went Six Days Without Electricity, Swears Smaller 5.12 Kernel Is Co-Incidental

Linux overlord Linus Torvalds has revealed that inclement weather in the USA meant he recently endured six electricity-free days in his Portland, Oregon, home during which he was unable to tend to the kernel. As a result he therefore pondered adding an extra week to the merge window for version 5.12 of the Linux kernel. The Register reports: “As you can…

Linux Mint Developers Will Force Updates on Users Like Microsoft Does with Windows 10

AmiMoJo shares a report: Last month, the Linux Mint team published a post on the organization’s official blog about the importance of installing security updates on machines running the Linux distribution. The essence of the post was that a sizeable number of Linux Mint devices was running outdated applications, packages or even an outdated version of the operating system itself. A…

Brave Privacy Bug Exposed Tor Onion URLs To Your DNS Provider

Brave Browser had a privacy issue that leaked the Tor onion URL addresses you visited to your locally configured DNS server, “exposing the dark web websites you visit…”, writes Bleeping Computer. Long-time Slashdot reader AmiMoJo quotes their report: To access Tor onion URLs, Brave added a “Private Window with Tor” mode that acts as a proxy to the Tor network. When…

Red Hat Introduces Free RHEL for Open-Source Organizations

ZDNet brings an update about the future of Red Hat Enterprise Linux: When Red Hat, CentOS’s Linux parent company, announced it was “shifting focus from CentOS Linux, the rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), to CentOS Stream,” CentOS users were not happy. Now, in an effort to mollify them and to keep its promise to open-source organizations, Red Hat is…

CD Projekt Ransomware Hack Severely Disrupts Work on Cyberpunk Updates

CD Projekt SA said Wednesday it will delay a promised update to the much-criticized role-playing game Cyberpunk 2077, pinning the blame for its slow progress on a recent security breach. From a report: What the Polish publisher didn’t say is that most of its employees have been locked out of their workstations for the past two weeks, according to people familiar…

Google Finally Adds iOS Privacy Labels To Gmail

Google today quietly added App Privacy labels to its Gmail app, marking the first of its major apps to receive the privacy details aside from YouTube. From a report: Though App Privacy information has been added to Gmail, Google has done so server side and has yet to issue an update to the Gmail app. It has been two months since…

NASA releases first audio from Mars, video of landing (Update)

The US space agency NASA on Monday released the first audio from Mars, a faint crackling recording of a gust of wind captured by the Perseverance rover. Source:…