‘Recovering’ QAnon Members Seek Help from Therapists, Subreddits, and On Telegram

“More than at any point since the QAnon conspiracy began, there is a tremendous opportunity to pull disaffected followers out of the conspiracy,” writes FiveThirtyEight. And while it’s just one of three possible scenarios, online posts suggest at least some members are abandoning the group, “but they will need support to really sever their connection.” ABC News reports that some QAnon…

Microsoft Edge Accused of Stealing Data From Chrome

Some Windows 10 users have complained that when Microsoft sets up its Edge browser, it steals data from Chrome and Firefox without asking first, writes ZDNet columnist Chris Matyszczyk. But today a reader sent him a new complaint involving Windows 7: “My wife’s computer, which is running Windows 7, got a Windows update this morning, which then gave the full-screen welcome…

Facebook and Twitter Remove Manipulated Video From Trump’s Accounts After DMCA Complaint

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: Facebook has removed a manipulated video posted on President Trump’s account after receiving a copyright complaint from the rights owners. The manipulated video shows a black toddler running away from a white toddler, with a CNN chyron reading “terrified toddler runs from racist baby.” The original video, which went viral last year,…

Twitter Labels Trump Tweet As ‘Manipulated Media’

Twitter has flagged a tweet from President Trump as containing “manipulated media” after the president tweeted a clip of a black toddler and a white toddler edited to include a CNN chyron reading “terrified todler[sic] runs from racist baby.” The Hill reports: The initial video, which was widely circulated online long before the tweet, shows the two children running towards each…

The Story of The Doctor Who Ordered America’s First Covid-19 Lockdown

Long-time Slashdot reader bsharma shared the story of doctor/public health officer who “went first,” ordering America’s very first coronavirus lockdown in six counties on March 16th after the identification of only the 7th known case of Covid-19 in the United States. The Bay Area Newsgroup reports that on January 31st, Cody’s cellphone rang at 6:49 a.m. “You’ve got your first positive,”…