Open Offices Are a Capitalist Dead End

Strudelkugel shares an op-ed: What was We thinking? That’s the only question worth asking now about the clowncar start-up known as The We Company, the money-burning, co-working behemoth whose best-known brand is WeWork. What’s a WeWork? What WeWork works on is work. The We Company takes out long-term leases on in-demand office buildings in more than 100 cities across the globe…

Did a Prehistoric Asteroid Breakup Shower Earth With Enough Dust To Change the Climate?

Applehu Akbar writes: CNN reports this week on a paper describing a hypothesis that the breakup of a large asteroid 466 million years ago generated enough dust in Earth’s orbit to substantially change the terrestrial climate for an extended period. This would have triggered an ‘Ordovician icehouse’ climate event, with major effects on biology. “The 93-mile-wide asteroid was in the asteroid…

Use Big Dipper to find North Star

The 2 outermost stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper point to Polaris, the North Star. Source:…

Perseids sparse, but some saw them

The 2019 Perseid meteor shower was troubled by a bright moon. Some caught meteors in the dark hours shortly before dawn, and some caught them in moonlight! Source:…

Peak Perseid mornings: August 11, 12, 13

Unfortunately, during the 2019 peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the moon is nearly full and in the sky nearly all night. Still, you might catch a meteor in moonlight, or after moonset, shortly before dawn. Source:…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn … Perseid meteors?

The Perseid meteor shower is rising to its peak, so there’s bound to be some fist-shaking this weekend at that bright moon. But the moon can also guide you to Jupiter and Saturn on August 9, 10 and 11, 2019. Source:…

How to watch the Perseids in moonlight

You can avoid the moon during the 2019 Perseid meteor shower by watching in the days before the peak, in the hours before dawn. Or … you can embrace the moon. Here’s how to enjoy the Perseids in moonlight. Source:…