Alien hunters detect mystery signal coming from the closest star system

Astronomers hunting for radio signals from alien civilizations have reportedly detected an “intriguing signal” from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system to the sun. Source:

What Hunting Bigfoot Taught a Republican Congressman about Misinformation, Political Extremists, and Grift

Republican congressman Denver Riggleman was once a defense contractor for America’s National Security Agency. But in 2004, he paid more than $5,000 to join an amateur expedition searching for Bigfoot. Not because he believed in the mythical ape-like creature said to live in the woods, according to the Washington Post, but “to indulge a lifelong fascination: Why do people — what…

Ransomware Gangs That Steal Your Data Don’t Always Delete It

Ransomware gangs that steal a company’s data and then get paid a ransom fee to delete it don’t always follow through on their promise. From a report: The number of cases where something like this has happened has increased, according to a report published by Coveware this week and according to several incidents shared by security researchers with ZDNet researchers over…

Men and women in early Americas shared hunting duties equally

A young woman, buried with stone weapons 9000 years ago in what is now Peru, has led to a reassessment of the role women played as hunters across the Americas in prehistory Source:…

How Many Alien Civilizations Are Out There? A New Galactic Survey Holds a Clue.

Here’s a good sign for alien hunters: More than 300 million worlds with similar conditions to Earth are scattered throughout the Milky Way galaxy. A new analysis [PDF] concludes that roughly half of the galaxy’s sunlike stars host rocky worlds in habitable zones where liquid water could pool or flow over the planets’ surfaces. From a report: “This is the science…

‘Fireball’ meteorite contains pristine extraterrestrial organic compounds

On the night of January 16, 2018, a fireball meteor streaked across the sky over the Midwest and Ontario before landing on a frozen lake in Michigan. Scientists used weather radar to find where the pieces landed and meteorite hunters were able to collect the meteorite quickly, before its chemical makeup got changed by exposure to liquid water. And, as a…

NASA’s Planet Patrol wants you to join the search for exoplanets

Do you want to be a planet-hunter? NASA has launched a new citizen science website called Planet Patrol where volunteers can help search for exoplanets in data from the TESS space telescope. Source:…

Top 4 most promising worlds for alien life in the solar system

Where are the other most promising locations for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Source:…