What Hunting Bigfoot Taught a Republican Congressman about Misinformation, Political Extremists, and Grift

Republican congressman Denver Riggleman was once a defense contractor for America’s National Security Agency. But in 2004, he paid more than $5,000 to join an amateur expedition searching for Bigfoot. Not because he believed in the mythical ape-like creature said to live in the woods, according to the Washington Post, but “to indulge a lifelong fascination: Why do people — what…

How Powerful Forces Collaborated to Peddle Misinformation about the Origins of the Coronavirus

There’s “an overwhelming body of evidence” for scientists’ belief that the coronavirus originated in an animal before making the leap to humans, reports the New York Times. (Alternate URL here.) They add that U.S. intelligence agencies also “have not found any proof” for a fringe theory it somehow leaked from a lab. Yet as recently as September, a Hong Kong researcher…

Dusty sunrises and sunsets over U.S. South

See the layers of dust set against this South Carolina sunset? That dust came from Africa’s Sahara Desert. It traveled across the Atlantic Ocean this month to cause dusty skies across the U.S. south and into Texas. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-saharan-dust-june-2020-florida-texas…

Don’t miss the young moon and Venus

Think photo opportunity this weekend (December 27-29) as the brightest and 2nd-brightest sky objects – the moon and Venus – beautify the evening twilight shortly after sunset. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/see-young-moon-venus-after-sunset…

Watch spacewalk on Friday November 15

Watch 2 International Space Station astronauts perform the 1st in a series of spacewalks NASA is calling the most complex in a decade. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/watch-iss-spacewalk-nov-dec-2019…

Lake Baikal: Earth’s deepest, oldest lake

Lake Baikal in southern Siberia is 25 million years old and more than 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) deep. More than 2,500 plant and animal species have been documented in the lake, most found nowhere else. Controversy surrounds construction of hydropower stations on a river that feeds the lake. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/what-is-the-worlds-deepest-lake…

A New Loch Ness Monster Video by the Grandson of a Previous Witness

Are you getting tired of and possibly irritated by all of those recent Loch Ness monster videos recorded by that guy in Ireland sitting in front of his TV watching the Loch Ness monster-cam? Well, here’s some good news. The latest video in what is turning into a record-breaking year for sightings was taken by… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/a-new-loch-ness-monster-video-by-the-grandson-of-a-previous-witness/…

Web Hosting Companies Shut Down a Series of Neo-Nazi Websites

In recent weeks a number of web hosting services have shut down several major online neo-Nazi meeting grounds, Motherboard has learned. The moves predate Facebook’s recent and total banning of white nationalism, but some of the services that have been shut down continue to operate openly on Twitter. One of the websites of Atomwaffen Division—a… Continue reading Web Hosting Companies Shut Down a Series of Neo-Nazi Websites