Internet Blackouts Skyrocket Amid Global Political Unrest

Where there’s a coup, there will probably be an internet outage. From a report: Internet disruptions in Myanmar early Monday morning coincided with reports that top politicians, including the country’s de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, were being rounded up by the military. That’s no surprise: internet blackouts are now common around the world when power hangs in the balance. At…

Personal solstices

Photos from EarthSky community members around the world, showing what the December solstice – bringing winter to half of Earth, and summer to the other half – means to them. Thanks to all of you for sharing these evocative images with us! Source:…

Young moon at dusk; meteors after midnight

On November 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2020, enjoy the beautiful presence of a waxing crescent moon covered over in earthshine in the west after sunset. Then, after midnight, watch for meteors in the annual Leonid meteor shower. Source:…

Favorite photos of October’s young moon

In the past few days, several EarthSky Community members around the world shared their photos of the young moon, a thin crescent in the west after sunset. Beautiful! Thanks to all who contributed. Source:…

What’s the youngest moon you can see with your eye alone?

It has long been a sport for skywatchers to spot the youngest possible crescent moon after sunset, with the eye alone. What does it take to see a very young moon? Details here. Source:…

See it! This weekend’s moon and Mars

Mars is getting exciting – bright now, and very red – and heading toward more brightness and more intense color by October. This past weekend, the moon and Mars were close. Photos here. Source:…

Planetary alignment? Increase in volcanoes?

The book called “The Jupiter Effect” suggested an alignment of planets in 1982 would cause earthly catastrophes, including a great earthquake on California’s San Andreas Fault. There’s another planetary alignment, of sorts, going on now. Will it cause volcanic eruptions? Charts, and info, from Guy Ottewell. Source:…

Amazon Will Pay $135,000 To Settle Alleged US Sanction Violations

In a statement (PDF) issued this week, the U.S. Treasury Department notes that Amazon has agreed to pay $134,523 to settle potential liability over alleged sanctions violations. TechCrunch reports: The charges specifically pertain to goods and services sent to people located in Crimea, Iran and Syria, which are covered by Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions, between November 2011 and…