Moon skims past Mars and Aldebaran February 17-19, 2021

The waxing crescent moon pairs up with the faint planet Uranus on February 17, flits by the red planet Mars on February 18, and then joins up with the red star Aldebaran on February 19. Source:…

Spectacular! Moon and Venus before sunrise

Over these next few days – December 11, 12 and 13, 2090 – watch for the waning crescent moon to pass by the dazzling planet Venus. Source:…

Burnt ‘Great Pyramid’ notes reveal Isaac Newton’s research into the apocalypse

Sir Isaac Newton, the acclaimed physicist, mathematician, and astronomer, may be one of the most renowned scientists of all time, but his wide-ranging research took him to strange places far outside what we now consider to be science. Source:

Uri Geller Finally Apologizes for Suing Pokemon 20 Years Ago

In January of the year 2000, Pokémon was sued by stage magician Uri Geller for $97 million (over a Pokémon card with a similar name that carried the magician’s trademark bent spoon). 20 years later, Kotaku reports…
Spoon-bending magician Uri Geller gave Nintendo permission to use the character Kadabra on Pokémon cards today, after a 20 year legal dispute in which Geller…

Moon and Mars rendezvous in early October

The moon and Mars are near each other on the sky’s dome on the night of October 2, 2020. From South America, the moon will appear to occult (cover over) Mars. Source:…

Venus-Regulus conjunction in early October

Brilliant Venus, in and of itself, is worth getting up for, but the tantalizingly close encounter of Venus with the star Regulus won’t happen again for another 8 years. Source:…

Moon and Venus at dawn June 17, 18, 19

These next several mornings – June 17, 18 and 19, 2020 – look east before sunrise to see the moon and Venus. You might spot the Pleiades star cluster nearby. On June 19, the moon will occult or cover over Venus. For most of us, the occultation will happen in daylight. Source:…

Moon occults Mars morning of February 18

If you’re on the right place on Earth’s surface, you can watch the moon occult (cover over) Mars on February 18, and then Jupiter on February 19. We elaborate in our post. Source:…

Watch Mars disappear behind the moon on February 18

Given clear skies, all of the U.S. (except Alaska and Hawaii) can watch the red planet Mars disappear behind the moon – or reappear, or both – on the morning of February 18, 2020. Source:…

Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn before sunrise

Get up early on February 16 and 17, 2020, and let the waning crescent moon point out a parade of three bright planets adorning the east before sunup. Source:…