After 28 Years, Tucows Finally Closes Its Downloads Site

“We have made the difficult decision to retire the Tucows Downloads site,” writes CEO Elliot Noss in a blog post at We’re pleased to say that much of the software and other assets that made up the Tucows Downloads library have been transferred to our friends at the Internet Archive for posterity. The shareware downloads bulletin board system (BBS) that…

What If They Replaced Windows With Microsoft Linux?

Following up on speculation from Eric Raymond and ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, open source advocate Jack Wallen imagines what would happen if Microsoft just switched over altogether from Windows to a Linux distro named “Microsoft Linux”: A full-on Linux distribution released by Microsoft would mean less frustration for all involved. Microsoft could shift its development efforts on the Windows…

ZDNet Argues Linux-Based Windows ‘Makes Perfect Sense’

Last week open-source advocate Eric S. Raymond argued Microsoft was quietly switching over to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. “He’s on to something,” says ZDNet’s contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols:
I’ve long thought that Microsoft was considering migrating the Windows interface to running on the Linux kernel. Why…? [Y]ou can run standard Linux programs now on WSL2 without any trouble. That’s…

Guided Projects Offering Becomes the Fastest to Reach One Million Enrollments on Coursera

Enterprise offering now includes private authoring of Guided Projects, courses, and assessments  By Shravan Goli, Chief Product Officer and Namit Yadav, General Manager, Rhyme The pandemic has accelerated the rate of digital transformation among institutions, creating an urgent need to support skills development in new ways. With face-to-face training not possible in the current environment, […]
The post Guided Projects Offering Becomes…

AI Company Leaks Over 2.5 Million Medical Records

Secure Thoughts reports that artificial intelligence company Cense AI, which specializes in “SaaS-based intelligent process automation management solutions,” has leaked nearly 2.6 million medical records on the internet. PCMag reports: [O]n July 7 security researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered two folders of medical records available for anyone to access on the internet. The data was labeled as “staging data.” Fowler believes the…

Hey Email App Open To All After Apple ‘Definitively’ Approves It

Basecamp’s Hey email app is now open to everyone after Apple “definitively approved” it for the App Store. No invite code is required for users to sign up. Engadget reports: Basecamp CTO and co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson tweeted the news today. Hey will not include any in-app purchases (IAP), so Apple will not get its standard 30 percent commission. At first,…