Guided Projects Offering Becomes the Fastest to Reach One Million Enrollments on Coursera

Enterprise offering now includes private authoring of Guided Projects, courses, and assessments  By Shravan Goli, Chief Product Officer and Namit Yadav, General Manager, Rhyme The pandemic has accelerated the rate of digital transformation among institutions, creating an urgent need to support skills development in new ways. With face-to-face training not possible in the current environment, […]
The post Guided Projects Offering Becomes…

Trump Says He Takes Hydroxychloroquine To Prevent Coronavirus Infection Even Though It’s An Unproven Treatment

hcs_$reboot writes: President Donald Trump said Monday that he has been taking anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine for over a week to prevent coronavirus infection even though it is not yet a proven treatment. Hydroxychloroquine, which is available as a generic drug and is also produced under the brand name Plaquenil by French drugmaker Sanofi, can have serious side effects, including muscle weakness…

Several Pharmaceutical Companies Are Racing To Develop a Coronavirus Vaccine

“The race for a vaccine to combat the new coronavirus is moving faster than researchers and drugmakers expected,” reported Dow Jones News Services this week, “with Pfizer Inc. joining several other groups saying that they had accelerated the timetable for testing and that a vaccine could be ready for emergency use in the fall.”
Pfizer said Tuesday it will begin testing of…