Reversal of Biological Clock Restores Vision In Old Mice

John Trumpian shares a report from SciTechDaily: Harvard Medical School scientists have successfully restored vision in mice by turning back the clock on aged eye cells in the retina to recapture youthful gene function. The team’s work, described today in Nature, represents the first demonstration that it may be possible to safely reprogram complex tissues, such as the nerve cells of…

Australian Researchers Set Record For Carbon Dioxide Capture

Researchers from Monash University and the CSIRO have set a record for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) using technology that resembles a sponge filled with tiny magnets. Phys.Org reports: Using a Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) nanocomposite that can be regenerated with remarkable speed and low energy cost, researchers have developed sponge-like technology that can capture carbon dioxide from a number…

First Meat Grown In Space Lab 248 Miles From Earth

The Israeli food technology startup Aleph Farms has successfully cultured meat in space for the first time. The Guardian reports: Aleph Farms grew the meat on the International Space Station, 248 miles (399 km) away from any natural resources. Bovine cells were harvested on Earth and taken to space, where they were grown into small-scale muscle tissue using a 3D bioprinter….

New 60-Mile Pumice Raft Could Help Restore Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

“A huge raft of pumice created by an underwater volcano is floating toward Australia, and it could help the Great Barrier Reef recover from bleaching,” reports The pumice raft is about 60 square miles — almost as big as Washington D.C. Scientists say it was formed earlier this month by an underwater volcano near Tonga, some 2,000 miles east of…

A Diet Based on Caloric Restriction Might Make You Live Longer. It’ll Certainly Feel Like Longer.

A diet based on caloric restriction might make you live longer. It’ll certainly feel like longer. Called Prolon, it’s a five-day, $250 meal kit which arrives in a white cardboard container a little bigger than a shoebox. It involves eating about 800 calories each day. The idea is that temporarily shifts your body into a starvation state, prompting your cells to…

Mapping how the ‘immortal’ hydra regrows cells may demystify regeneration

In the continually regenerating hydra, fluorescent markers help researchers track stem cells on the way to their cellular fate. Source:…

Sea creature uses stem cells to regrow entire body from a tiny piece

Sea squirts use stem cells to regenerate their bodies from nothing but fragments of blood vessel, a finding that could help uncover the evolution of regeneration Source:…

Living a Life of Service (Without Burning Out)

Spiritual maturation naturally leads to changes in perspective and priorities. Where once we were concerned mainly with ourselves and that which reflects directly upon our status in the world—our career, our family, our finances, our possessions, etc.—our orientation becomes less self-centered. Eventually, the lines between our needs and those of others become blurred; my happiness […] Source:…