Snakes insert their heads into living frogs’ bodies to swallow their organs (because nature is horrifying)

In two new studies, researchers identified more snakes that disembowel frogs to eat their organs, a gruesome habit that was only recently discovered. Source:

The First Pig-to-Human Organ Transplants Could Happen This Year

Every day in the United States, 17 people die waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant. To address this crisis, one biotech company is turning to an unlikely source: pigs. Maryland-based United Therapeutics says it plans to begin transplanting organs from genetically modified pigs into people as soon as this year. From a report: “We’re right on that cusp. We’re looking to…

Reversal of Biological Clock Restores Vision In Old Mice

John Trumpian shares a report from SciTechDaily: Harvard Medical School scientists have successfully restored vision in mice by turning back the clock on aged eye cells in the retina to recapture youthful gene function. The team’s work, described today in Nature, represents the first demonstration that it may be possible to safely reprogram complex tissues, such as the nerve cells of…

Surgical device inspired by parasitic wasps could extract bits of you

Parasitic wasps use a long, thin, tubular organ to implant eggs in their victims. A device inspired by this organ could make it easier and less painful to remove tumours, blood clots or even whole organs Source:…

A Chinese perspective on autumn

In Chinese thought, autumn is with the direction west, considered to be the direction of dreams and visions. Source:…