Solar Panels Are Starting to Die, Leaving Behind Toxic Trash

“Solar panels are an increasingly important source of renewable power that will play an essential role in fighting climate change. They are also complex pieces of technology that become big, bulky sheets of electronic waste at the end of their lives — and right now, most of the world doesn’t have a plan for dealing with that,” reports Wired. (Alternate URL…

Facebook Sues Chinese Malware Operator For Abusing Its Ad Platform

Facebook today filed a lawsuit against a Chinese company and two Chinese nationals for abusing the Facebook ad platform to run a malware scheme. From a report: The accused are ILikeAd Media International Company, a Hong Kong-based company founded in 2016, and Chen Xiao Cong and Huang Tao, the two men behind it. Facebook said today that ILikeAd used Facebook ads…

Mathematicians Catch a Pattern By Figuring Out How To Avoid It

We finally know how big a set of numbers can get before it has to contain a pattern known as a “polynomial progression.” From a report: A new proof by Sarah Peluse of the University of Oxford establishes that one particularly important type of numerical sequence is, ultimately, unavoidable: It’s guaranteed to show up in every single sufficiently large collection of…

An Ancient Path to Soul Completion

When I first started teaching, I gathered with my students in a small park in South Korea. Today, my students have much nicer facilities, practicing the exercises and principles I teach in centers around the world, now known in English-speaking countries as Body & Brain Yoga centers. I have struggled sometimes to know what to […] Source:…

Living a Life of Service (Without Burning Out)

Spiritual maturation naturally leads to changes in perspective and priorities. Where once we were concerned mainly with ourselves and that which reflects directly upon our status in the world—our career, our family, our finances, our possessions, etc.—our orientation becomes less self-centered. Eventually, the lines between our needs and those of others become blurred; my happiness […] Source:…