How Leo the Lion lost his tail

And how we gained a new constellation. Read about the Lion and the Queen’s Hair, one of skylore’s most famous legends, here. Source:…

Come to know the Big and Little Dippers

The Big Dipper is easy. And, once you find it, you can find the Little Dipper, too. Source:…

A tangle of stars in Berenices’ Hair

Berenice’s Hair – aka Coma Berenices – requires a dark sky to be seen. But it’s worth the effort, a wonderful star cluster! Source:…

Gemini twins are triplets on March 5

Let tonight’s moon show you the Gemini twins, Castor and Pollux, as well as Procyon, aka the Little Dog Star. Source:…

Arc to Arcturus, a springtime star

Arcturus is one of the easiest stars to find. Late at night in February – earlier as the months pass – just locate the Big Dipper in your northern sky. Then follow the arc in the Dipper’s handle to find yellow-orange star Arcturus. Source:…

Big Dipper stars point to North Star

The 2 outermost stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper always point to the North Star, aka Polaris. That’s why astronomers call these stars The Pointers. Source:…

Moon and Gemini February 6 and 7

The moon is waxing toward full and very bright, but the evening sky also has many bright stars. Look for the Gemini stars, Castor and Pollux, plus Procyon the Little Dog Star. Source:…

Sirius, future South Pole Star

The Southern Hemisphere doesn’t have a pole star now. But – nearly 60 thousand years from now – the sky’s brightest star, Sirius aka the Dog Star, will serve as a southern pole star. Source:…

Quadrantid meteors on night of January 3-4

The expected peak of the Quadrantid meteor shower in 2020 comes late evening January 3 until dawn January 4, with the predawn hours on January 4 being your best bet. Source:…

Cassiopeia, Queen of the north

Cassiopeia – sometimes called The Lady of the Chair – is famous for having the shape of a telltale W or M. Source:…