Cassiopeia, Queen of the north

Cassiopeia – sometimes called The Lady of the Chair – is famous for having the shape of a telltale W or M. Source:…

Orionid meteors late night until dawn

A bright moon interferes for much of the night for 2018’s Orionid meteor shower. Watch shortly before dawn, after moonset. Try watching on the mornings of October 20, 21 and 22. A dark sky is always best. Have fun! Source:…

Brunei’s Royal Barbarity and Hypocrisy

The oil-rich sultanate imposes harsh Shariah law on its subjects, while members of the royal family enjoy lives of conspicuous luxury. Source:

Brunei’s Stoning Law Is Out of Touch With Modern Islam

A cruel punishment mentioned in ancient scripture shouldn’t be understood and applied literally. Even the Ottoman Empire made corporal punishment obsolete. Source:

Brunei Introduces Death by Stoning for Gay Sex and Adultery

Harsh punishments based on a version of Shariah, or Islamic law, which also include amputations and whippings, have prompted an international outcry. Source: