Supreme Court to Decide Whether Bias Law Covers Gay and Transgender Workers

The justices must decide whether a law that forbids employment discrimination based on sex also bars discrimination based on sexual orientation or transgender status. Source:…

Dr. Richard Green, 82, Dies; Challenged Psychiatry’s View of Homosexuality

At a time when being gay was classified as a mental disorder, Dr. Green defied the advice of his colleagues and took a professional risk by arguing otherwise. Source:…

At War: I Thought I Could Serve as an Openly Gay Man in the Army. Then Came the Death Threats.

A former soldier recounts the harassment he endured for being open about his sexuality, even after “don’t ask; don’t tell” was repealed. Source:…

Brunei’s Royal Barbarity and Hypocrisy

The oil-rich sultanate imposes harsh Shariah law on its subjects, while members of the royal family enjoy lives of conspicuous luxury. Source:

Poland’s Populists Pick a New Top Enemy: Gay People

With public concern about migration on the wane, the governing Law and Justice party is making opposition to gay rights a cornerstone of its campaigning. Source:

TIMES INSIDER: I Wanted to Change the World for Gay Black People. Starting With Myself.

I’m working on a book based on my Times article, “Queer Love in Color,” a celebration of the joy and romance that queer couples and families of color share. Here’s how it came about — and how you can help. Source: