Amazon River from space

Video tour – via satellite – of the Amazon River meandering through the Amazon rainforest in South America. Source:…

Curso da Universidade Johns Hopkins sobre rastreamento de contágio da Covid-19 já está disponível em português e espanhol

Por Betty Vandenbosch, chefe de conteúdo da Coursera  Com a contínua ameaça da Covid-19, vários países têm aumentado esforços para conter a doença e, para muitos deles, isso significa expandir sua capacidade de rastrear a contaminação. Diante disso, a Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health lançou, em maio, o curso online gratuito COVID-19 Contact […]
The post Curso da Universidade Johns…

COVID-19 Contact Tracing course from Johns Hopkins now available in Spanish and Portuguese

By Betty Vandenbosch, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Read this post in Spanish and Portuguese.  With the continued threat of COVID-19, governments around the world are increasing efforts to manage the spread. In many communities, this means quickly expanding contact tracing capabilities. In May, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins […]
The post COVID-19 Contact Tracing course…

Discover is Facebook’s New Effort To Help People Access Websites for Free — But With Limits

Facebook has a new connectivity app called Discover to help those who can’t afford to get online access information on the web. From a report: The service, available through mobile web and Android app, allows users to visit any website in text format (no video, images, audio and other elements that eat up large amounts of data) and consume a few…

Ready, set, explore Earth from home

We’re at home. How about you? But we just discovered these virtual tours, galleries and live webcams from around the world, which we wanted to share. Stay home, and have some virtual fun … Source:…

Weird jaguar catfish is covered in spines and lives in wooden logs

A newly described catfish, found in Brazil and Peru, is covered in spines, lives in a log, has spots like a jaguar and has serrated fins Source:…

All you need to know: December solstice

December solstice 2019 arrives on December 22 at 4:19 UTC. High summer for the Southern Hemisphere. For the Northern Hemisphere, the return of more sunlight! Source:…

Amazon fires quickening glacier melting in Andes

The burning rainforest releases black carbon into the atmosphere, which, according to a growing number of scientific studies, directly contributes to the melting of glaciers. Source:…