Laptops, Desktop Sales See ‘Renaissance;’ Shortages Won’t Ease Until 2022

The world stocked up on laptop and desktop computers in 2020 at a level not seen since the iPhone debuted in 2007, and manufacturers still are months away from fulfilling outstanding orders, hardware industry executives and analysts said. Reuters reports: Remote learning and working has upturned the computer market during the coronavirus pandemic, zapping sales of smartphones while boosting interest in…

US Used Patriot Act To Gather Logs of Website Visitors

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The government has interpreted a high-profile provision of the Patriot Act as empowering F.B.I. national security investigators to collect logs showing who has visited particular web pages, documents show. But the government stops short of using that law to collect the keywords people submit to internet search engines because it…

In Rural ‘Dead Zones,’ School Comes On a Flash Drive

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: Shekinah and Orlandria Lennon were sitting at their kitchen table this fall, taking online classes, when video of their teachers and fellow students suddenly froze on their laptop screens. The wireless antenna on the roof had stopped working, and it could not be fixed. Desperate for a solution, their mother…

Body Found In Canada Identified As Neo-Nazi Spam King

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Krebs On Security: The body of a man found shot inside a burned out vehicle in Canada three years ago has been identified as that of Davis Wolfgang Hawke, a prolific spammer and neo-Nazi who led a failed anti-government march on Washington, D.C. in 1999, according to news reports. Homicide detectives said they originally…

Uber and Lyft Will Push For More Laws Classifying Drivers as Independent Contractors

“Uber helped wage a $200 million war in California to keep drivers as contractors,” notes the Washington Post — successfully funding a ballot proposition that overrides a high-stakes 2019 law which insisted drivers be considered employees. “But now that the ballot measure has passed, the company says its work isn’t done…” The ride-hailing giant’s CEO said Thursday that Uber is looking…

WeWork Employees Used an Alarmingly Insecure Printer Password

A shared user account used by WeWork employees to access printer settings and print jobs had an incredibly simple password — so simple that a customer guessed it. From a report: Jake Elsley, who works at a WeWork in London, said he found the user account after a WeWork employee at his location mistakenly left the account logged in. WeWork customers…

How Many Americans Still Secretly Use Their Ex’s Passwords

A recent survey by British Virgin Islands-based VPN service provider ExpressVPN asked 1,506 American adults in an exclusive (non-married) relationship to find out their password sharing habits across social media platforms. ZDNet reports on the findings: The survey showed that couples share a variety of passwords with each other, and they most commonly share within the first six months of dating….

Lack of Broadband and Devices Hobbles America’s Remote Learning

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: Fifty-eight years after Roger Ebert reported on the PLATO system’s potential to deliver online learning to homebound students in a 1962 News-Gazette article, Bloomberg Technology’s Emily Chang takes a look at the nationwide struggle to shift to remote learning, interviewing McKinsey Education Practice Manager Emma Dorn, Khan Academy founder Sal Khan, and former U.S. Secretary of…

Tesla Can Detect Aftermarket Hacks Designed To Defeat EV Performance Paywalls

As recently highlighted by a Tesla Model 3 owner on Reddit, your connected car knows when you’ve hacked it, and it might be logging that data to use against you in a future warranty claim. The Drive reports: The image you see above is a warning message popped up on the man’s Model 3 infotainment screen after he installed the latest…