French Army Gets Ethical Go-Ahead For Bionic Soldiers

The French armed forces now have permission to develop “augmented soldiers” following a report from a military ethics committee. CNN reports: The report, released to the public on Tuesday, considers medical treatments, prosthetics and implants that improve “physical, cognitive, perceptive and psychological capacities,” and could allow for location tracking or connectivity with weapons systems and other soldiers. Other possible interventions considered…

Tesla Can Detect Aftermarket Hacks Designed To Defeat EV Performance Paywalls

As recently highlighted by a Tesla Model 3 owner on Reddit, your connected car knows when you’ve hacked it, and it might be logging that data to use against you in a future warranty claim. The Drive reports: The image you see above is a warning message popped up on the man’s Model 3 infotainment screen after he installed the latest…

An inmate’s love of mathematics leads to discovery in number theory

Christopher Havens came upon his love of math while in solitary confinement. A decade later, he published a paper on number theory in a top mathematics journal. Source: