Darkened SpaceX Satellites Can Still Disrupt Astronomy, New Research Suggests

“SpaceX’s attempt to reduce the reflectivity of Starlink satellites is working, but not to the degree required by astronomers,” reports Gizmodo:
Starlink satellites with an anti-reflective coating are half as bright as the standard version, according to research published in The Astrophysical Journal. It’s an improvement, but still not good enough, according to the team, led by astronomer Takashi Horiuchi from the…

The long decline of Arctic sea ice

Forty years of satellite data show that 2020 was just the latest in a decades-long decline of Arctic sea ice. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/decline-of-arctic-sea-ice-1979-2019…

Moon, Jupiter, Saturn August 27-29

These next several evenings – August 27, 28 and 29, 2020 – watch for the waxing gibbous to flit by the gas giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/moon-jupiter-saturn-august-27-29…

At least 2 super-Earths orbit this red dwarf star

Astronomers from the University of Göttingen in Germany have discovered two, and possibly three, super-Earth exoplanets orbiting the nearby red dwarf star Gliese-887. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/exoplanets-super-earths-gliese-887-red-dwarf-star…

New ‘climate decoder’ to study potentially habitable exoplanets

What is the climate like on some potentially habitable exoplanets? Scientists have developed a new “decoder” to find out. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/exoplanets-climate-environmental-color-decoder…

AIM spots season’s 1st Arctic noctilucent clouds

NASA’s AIM spacecraft spotted wisps of the 2020 season’s 1st noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds over the Arctic on May 17. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/aim-spots-2020-season-1st-arctic-noctilucent-clouds…

Scientists Confirm Dramatic Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: There was a dramatic melting of Greenland’s ice sheet in the summer of 2019, researchers have confirmed, in a study that reveals the loss was largely down to a persistent zone of high pressure over the region. The ice sheet melted at a near record rate in 2019, and much faster than…

NASA issues a Venus rover design challenge

NASA has issued a public challenge where you can help design a critical sensor that would be needed for a future rover on Venus. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/venus-aree-rover-sensor-public-challenge…

Looks like Earth has a new natural moon

Astronomers have announced that Earth has a new mini-moon, a small asteroid apparently captured into Earth orbit 3 years ago. It’s been designated 2020 CD3. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/new-natural-temporary-moon-for-earth-2020-cd3…

Amazon fires quickening glacier melting in Andes

The burning rainforest releases black carbon into the atmosphere, which, according to a growing number of scientific studies, directly contributes to the melting of glaciers. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/amazon-fires-glaciers-andes-melt-even-faster…