Moon and Venus at dawn June 17, 18, 19

These next several mornings – June 17, 18 and 19, 2020 – look east before sunrise to see the moon and Venus. You might spot the Pleiades star cluster nearby. On June 19, the moon will occult or cover over Venus. For most of us, the occultation will happen in daylight. Source:…

Moon and Mars before dawn June 12 and 13

Enjoy the early morning sky on June 12 and 13, 2020, as the moon swings 3 degrees south of the red planet Mars. Meanwhile, although your eye won’t catch it, Mars will swing 1.7 degrees south of distant Neptune. Source:…

Jupiter, Saturn, moon on June 6-8, plus a word about the daytime moon

If you stay up late on the nights of June 6, 7 and 8, 2020, you can glimpse the moon with the bright planets Jupiter and Saturn, ascending in the east. Or see them before daybreak. Source:…