Ask Slashdot: Did You Upgrade To macOS Big Sur?

Yesterday, Apple released the latest version of macOS: macOS Big Sur (also known as macOS 11.0) and the rollout was anything but smooth. Many users have complained about Apple services such as iMessage, or even Apple Pay, not working for them. Personally, my 5K iMac (2013), which isn’t even compatible with Big Sur, ground to a halt yesterday, as I was…

So How Good Is Edge on Linux?

“No one asked Microsoft to port its Edge browser to Linux,” writes Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols at ZDNet, adding “Indeed, very few people asked for Edge on Windows. “But, here it is. So, how good — or not — is it..?” The new release comes ready to run on Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and openSUSE Linux distributions… Since I’ve been benchmarking web browsers…

Microsoft Forces Windows 10 Restarts — To Install ‘Unsolicited, Unwanted’ Office Apps

The Verge’s senior news editor complains that without permission, Windows 10 restarted to install “unsolicited, unwanted web app versions of Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook onto my computer.”
OK, it’s not as bad as when my entire computer screen got taken over by an unwanted copy of Microsoft Edge. That was truly egregious. No, this time Microsoft is merely sneaking unwanted web…

Seeing the Invisible Ones: My Journey to Coursera and Grace Hopper

Hi everyone! My name is Nhu. I’m a recent graduate and a Software Engineer at Coursera. I was also a first-time representative at Grace Hopper. This year, we experienced the conference virtually—there were no free shirts, colorful booth displays, or long lines. We did not get to experience the energy of being in a room […]
The post Seeing the Invisible Ones:…

An Earlier Universe Existed Before the Big Bang, and Can Still Be Observed today, Says Nobel Winner

An earlier universe existed before the Big Bang and can still be observed today, Sir Roger Penrose has said, as he received the Nobel Prize for Physics. From a report: Sir Roger, 89, who won the honour for his seminal work proving that black holes exist, said he had found six ‘warm’ points in the sky (dubbed ‘Hawking Points’) which are…

Meet the Pi planet. It orbits its star every 3.14 days

In a fun cosmic coincidence, researchers used old Kepler spacecraft data to discover an Earth-sized exoplanet with an orbital period of 3.14 days, a number that matches the mathematical constant pi. Source:…

Elon Musk, Others, Criticize Microsoft’s Exclusive License for OpenAI’s GPT-3

“It looks like Elon Musk is increasingly unhappy with OpenAI, the AI research firm he helped found five years ago,” reports Business Insider: Microsoft announced on Tuesday that it was exclusively licensing GPT-3, a natural language AI-powered tool made by OpenAI. The announcement was met with some dismay on Twitter from users who had thought OpenAI’s mission statement was to make…

Rat That Sniffs Out Land Mines Receives Award For Bravery

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The medal awarded on Friday lauded the “lifesaving bravery and devotion to duty” for work detecting land mines in Cambodia. Its recipient: a rat named Magawa.
Magawais the first rat to receive the award — a gold medal bestowed by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, a British charity, that is…

Discover how Melaine is driving education efforts in West Africa using skills learned on Coursera

We’d like to introduce you to Melaine Nyuyfoni Nsaikila. In the story he shares below, Melaine describes how learning on Coursera helped give him an edge in his job search and the tools to continue to make a difference in policy and development. With persistence and determination, he built the technical skills that he now […]
The post Discover how Melaine is…

Google Faces $3 Billion UK Suit Over Use of Children’s Data

Alphabet’s Google faces a multibillion-dollar lawsuit in the U.K. over claims that YouTube routinely breaks privacy laws by tracking children online. Bloomberg reports: The suit, filed on behalf of more than 5 million British children under 13 and their parents, is being brought by privacy campaigner Duncan McCann and being supported by Foxglove, a tech justice group. The claimants estimate that…