After the Pandemic, Will Big Tech Companies Be Unstoppable?

After the pandemic is over, “The tech giants could have all the power,” warns Recode co-founder Kara Swisher, ” and absolutely none of the accountability — at least all the power that will truly matter.” This is the conclusion that many are coming to as the post-pandemic future begins to come into focus. Wall Street sure is signaling that the power…

GitHub Is Now Free For All Teams

GitHub today announced that all of its core features are now available for free to all users, including those that are currently on free accounts. TechCrunch reports: That means free unlimited private repositories with unlimited collaborators for all, including teams that use the service for commercial projects, as well as up to 2,000 minutes per month of free access to GitHub…

Latest online courses in data science, tech, and health in 2020

With new courses launching every week, there’s always something to explore. These new courses cover everything from using TensorFlow to deploy machine learning models to the tools public health experts use to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. What will you learn next?  Data Science TensorFlow: Data and Deployment Specialization by  Industries all around […]
The post Latest online courses in…

During the Pandemic, Will Robots Take Over More Human Jobs?

An anonymous reader quotes the New York Times:
Before the pandemic, automation had been gradually replacing human work in a range of jobs, from call centers to warehouses and grocery stores, as companies looked to cut labor costs and improve profit. But labor and robotics experts said social distancing directives, which are likely to continue in some form after the crisis subsides,…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – March 2020

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant As our Chief Enterprise Officer Leah Belsky wrote to many of our customers last week, the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) has profoundly affected our work – and our lives. At Coursera, we’re grateful for the opportunity we have to continue to serve businesses, universities, and governments during this […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Not Just ‘The Death of IT’. Cringely Also Predicts Layoffs For Many IT Contractors

Last week long-time tech pundit Robert Cringely predicted “the death of IT” in 2020 due to the widespread adoption of SD-WAN and SASE. Now he’s predicting “an even bigger bloodbath as IT employees at all levels are let go forever,” including IT consultants and contractors.
My IT labor death scenario now extends to process experts (generally consultants) being replaced with automation. In…

If Robots Steal So Many Jobs, Why Aren’t They Saving Us Now?

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Modern capitalism has never seen anything quite like the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In a matter of months, the deadly contagious bug has spread around the world, hobbling any economy in its path. […] This economic catastrophe is blowing up the myth of the worker robot and AI takeover. We’ve been led to believe…

Open-Source Project Spins Up 3D-Printed Ventilator Validation Prototype In Just One Week

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: In a great example of what can happen when smart, technically-oriented people come together in a time of need, an open-source hardware project started by a group including Irish entrepreneur Colin Keogh and Breeze Automation CEO and co-founder Gui Calavanti has produced a prototype ventilator using 3D-printed parts and readily available, inexpensive material….

TikTok ‘Tried To Filter Out Videos From Ugly, Poor Or Disabled Users’

TikTok moderators were told to suppress videos from users who appeared too ugly, poor or disabled, as part of the company’s efforts to curate an aspirational air in the videos it promotes, according to new documents published by the Intercept. From a report: The documents detail how moderators for the social video app were instructed to select content for the influential…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – February 2020

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant February was a special month at Coursera: we officially launched Rhyme Projects for enterprise. Coursera acquired Rhyme Softworks last year to augment our abilities to create and share hand-on projects with learners. Projects allow learners to work on a task in their browser while following a self-paced or […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…