Smokers Quit in Highest Numbers in a Decade

More than one million people have given up smoking since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, a survey for charity Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) suggests. From a report: Of those who had quit in the previous four months, 41% said it was in direct response to coronavirus. Separately, University College London (UCL) found more people quit smoking in the year to…

Thoughts on Our Possible Future Without Work

There’s a new book called A World Without Work by economics scholar/former government policy adviser Daniel Susskind. The Guardian succinctly summarizes its prognostications for the future: It used to be argued that workers who lost their low-skilled jobs should retrain for more challenging roles, but what happens when the robots, or drones, or driverless cars, come for those as well? Predictions…

The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Continues To Spread Around the Globe

An anonymous reader shares a report: “I don’t want to be a flat Earther,” David Weiss says, his voice weary as he reflects on his personal awakening. “Would you wake up in the morning and want everyone to think you’re an idiot?” But Weiss is a flat Earther. Ever since he tried and failed to find proof of the Earth’s curve…

45% of Americans believe in paranormal entities

A new YouGov poll has revealed how many Americans believe in the existence of supernatural beings. With Halloween fast approaching, British market res… Source:…

UK Porn Block Is a ‘Privacy Timebomb,’ New Report Warns

New age restrictions on pornography that are set to come into effect in the UK next month are a “privacy timebomb,” a new report by privacy watchdog Open Rights Group has warned. They say that the data protection in place to protect consumers is “vague, imprecise and largely a ‘tick box’ exercise.” The Independent reports: The identity checks needed to stop…