Dropping Nearly 20%, Bitcoin Suffers Worst Weekly Drop in a Year

“Bitcoin’s rally this year has hit a speed bump, putting it on track for the worst weekly slide in almost a year amid wider losses in risk assets,” reports Fortune: The largest cryptocurrency slumped as much as 20% this week, the most since March, and was holding at about $46,925 as of 10:22 a.m. in Hong Kong. The wider Bloomberg Galaxy…

See Boston Dynamics’ Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

MojoKid summarizes an article from Hot Hardware: Boston Dynamics made news recently when 80% of the company was acquired by Hyundai. The company’s family of robots is always impressive and now it appears they’re having some fun to celebrate the close of 2020. Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot and its humanoid-like Atlas bot friend, were joined by their oddball sibling Handle…

Bitcoin Is Gunning for a Record and No One Is Talking About It

Three years ago, Bitcoin’s historic surge dominated Thanksgiving dinner conversations. This year, the cryptocurrency is in the midst of another notable rally and yet almost no one’s talking about it. From a report: How fevered has Bitcoin’s latest leg higher been? With the coin trading around $16,300, it’s been more expensive in only eight other instances in the past decade, Bloomberg…

What is the Common Era?

If you encounter a date in the CE (Common Era) or BCE (Before Common Era) format, don’t fret. They mean exactly the same thing as AD (anno Domini) and BC (before Christ). Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/definition-common-era-bce-ce-bc-ad…

Another Source of Greenhouse Gas: Abandoned Oil Wells

The Sacramento Bee published a video showing dozens of oil tankers anchored off California’s coast as the current demand for oil plummets. But looking toward the future, they’ve also published along with it a special warning from the director of the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute: California Resources Corporation, the state’s largest oil and gas producer, is the…

Scene Bust Triggered Historic Drop In ‘Pirate’ Releases

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TorrentFreak: Every day, millions of people download or stream pirated content including movies, TV-shows, games, MP3s, and books. Many of these files originate from a small and tightly organized ‘community’ commonly known as The Scene, which is made up of dozens of smaller ‘release groups.’ These groups tend to operate in the shadows with…

Eclipse? What eclipse?

Even experienced observers say they couldn’t discern the Earth’s shadow on the moon during the partial penumbral eclipse of July 4-5, 2020. Source: https://earthsky.org/todays-image/photos-partial-penumbral-eclipse-july-4-5-2020…

Why Remote Work Is So Hard — and How It Can Be Fixed

Cal Newport, writing at the New Yorker: Technological transitions often stumble when we expect them to sprint. In 1989, the Stanford economist Paul David wanted to understand why so many companies were so slow to adopt computer technology; for historical perspective, he turned to the history of the electric dynamo, which had been invented around a hundred years before, and which,…

Cops bust man who was ‘teaching dog to drive’

No, teaching your dog how to drive a car is not an appropriate use of your time during self-isolation. Officers in Washington State found themselves i… Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/335942/cops-bust-man-who-was-teaching-dog-to-drive…

From alcohol to ketamine, what’s the truth about recreational drugs?

Psychologist Suzi Gage is on a mission to uncover the truth and bust misconceptions about the drugs people take, and in the process find out the science behind them Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24532681-700-from-alcohol-to-ketamine-whats-the-truth-about-recreational-drugs/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…