Doctors Are Tweeting About Coronavirus To Make Facts Go Viral

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Bob Wachter, the chairman of the department of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, has had a front-row seat to the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Wachter’s job, at least in part, is to keep the department’s 3,000 or so faculty, trainees and staff current on developments in research, education…

Observation of intervalley transitions can boost valleytronic science and technology

An international research team led by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, has observed light emission from a new type of transition between electronic valleys, known as intervalley transmissions. …

Scientists Get Their Best-Ever Look At Jupiter’s Atmosphere and Storms

Scientists have gotten their most detailed view of the wild storms that swirl through the gas giant’s atmosphere. reports: Every 53 days, Juno skims over Jupiter’s cloud tops in a close approach called a perijove, gathering data all the while. Among the spacecraft’s instruments is a microwave radiometer, which is tuned to identify lightning strikes and study what ammonia and…

What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2020

By Adam Lewis, Skills Transformation Consultant As we continue to adapt to the new norm, here are 114 new courses and projects to pick out what’s important to you.  You can try out Yale’s latest insights on why your Facebook friend is wrong about the stats they’re sharing. Or find your purpose with Michigan’s course […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Closest Black Hole To Earth Found ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’

The massive cosmic object lurks in a star system you can see with the naked eye. From a report: During winter in the Southern Hemisphere, a blue point of light in the constellation Telescopium gleams overhead. The brilliant pinprick on the sky, which looks like a bright star, is actually two stars in close orbit — accompanied by the closest known…

Milky Way could be catapulting stars into its outer halo

Scientists used computer simulations to learn that our Milky Way galaxy may sometimes launch newly forming stars into the space around itself – that is, into the halo of our galaxy – via outflows triggered by supernova explosions. Source:…

10 More Virus Researchers Say ‘Virtually No Chance’ Coronavirus Escaped From a Lab

Long-time Slashdot reader Charlotte Web writes: “Virus researchers say there is virtually no chance that the new coronavirus was released as result of a laboratory accident in China or anywhere else,” writes NPR, citing “10 leading scientists who collect samples of viruses from animals in the wild, study virus genomes and understand how lab accidents can happen.” NPR reports: “All of…

Milky Way could be catapulting stars into its outer halo, astronomers say

Though mighty, the Milky Way and galaxies of similar mass are not without scars chronicling turbulent histories. University of California, Irvine astronomers and others have shown that clusters of supernovas can cause the birth of scattered, eccentrically orbiting suns in outer stellar halos, upending commonly held notions of how star systems have formed and evolved over billions of years. Source:…

Latest online courses in data science, tech, and health in 2020

With new courses launching every week, there’s always something to explore. These new courses cover everything from using TensorFlow to deploy machine learning models to the tools public health experts use to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases. What will you learn next?  Data Science TensorFlow: Data and Deployment Specialization by  Industries all around […]
The post Latest online courses in…

Ripples on Pluto hint at subsurface ocean

A new study of unusual ripples on Pluto’s far side add to the evidence for a subsurface ocean on this distant and cold dwarf planet. Source:…