What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2020

By Adam Lewis, Skills Transformation Consultant

As we continue to adapt to the new norm, here are 114 new courses and projects to pick out what’s important to you. 

You can try out Yale’s latest insights on why your Facebook friend is wrong about the stats they’re sharing. Or find your purpose with Michigan’s course on the science & philosophy of living for what matters most. If you’re in a place to develop future skills, there are some excellent starters on Azure and Cloud Computing.

However you’re managing the challenges of today, hopefully some of these courses can help.

April’s 2020’s COVID-19-related content:

April 2020’s general content:

  • Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most, University of Michigan – In this course, you’ll learn how science, philosophy and practice all play a role in both finding your purpose and living a purposeful life. You will hear from historical figures and individuals about their journeys to finding and living a purposeful life, and will walk through different exercises to help you find out what matters most to you so you can live a purposeful life. 
  • AI for Medicine Specialization, deeplearning.ai – AI is transforming the practice of medicine. It’s helping doctors diagnose patients more accurately, make predictions about patients’ future health, and recommend better treatments. This three-course Specialization will give you practical experience in applying machine learning to concrete problems in medicine.
  • Getting Started with Azure, LearnQuest – This course in an introduction to Microsoft Azure services.  Students will gain familiarity with core Azure topics and practice implementation of infrastructure components.
  • IBM Data Privacy for Information Architecture, IBM – Data privacy controls how information is collected, used, shared, and disposed of, in accordance with policies or external laws and regulations. In this course, students will gain an understanding of what data privacy is along with how to identify and understand typical data protection and privatization objectives that an enterprise may have, and how to choose a data protection approach.
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing, IBM – This course introduces you to the core concepts of cloud computing. You gain the foundational knowledge required for understanding cloud computing from a business perspective as also for becoming a cloud practitioner. 

All Courses


Expanda Seus Negócios com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Clientes e Concorrência com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Finanças da Empresa com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Financiamento com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Gerenciamento com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de la Administración con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de la Financiación con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de la Negociación con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de la Planificación Financiera con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de las Operaciones con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de las Ventas y el Marketing con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Liderança com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de los Aspectos Financieros del Negocio con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de los Clientes y la Competencia con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Negociação com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Operações com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Planejamento Financeiro com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos de Vendas e Marketing com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs

Fundamentos del Liderazgo con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

Haz Crecer Tu Negocio con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women

Goldman Sachs

El Abogado del Futuro: Legaltech y la Transformación Digital del Derecho

Universidad Austral


AI for Medical Diagnosis


AI for Medical Prognosis


TensorFlow を使った畳み込みニューラルネットワーク


Customising your models with TensorFlow 2

Imperial College London

Bayesian Statistics: Mixture Models

University of California, Santa Cruz


Agile Analytics

University of Virginia

Cognición encarnada

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Cloud Computing Fundamental Architecting on Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Academy

AI、機械学習、ディープラーニングのための TensorFlow 入門


Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations auf Deutsch

Google Cloud

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations en Français

Google Cloud

Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Workloads auf Deutsch

Google Cloud

IBM Data Privacy for Information Architecture


IBM Data Topology


Introduction to Cloud Computing


Data Processing with Azure


Getting Started with Azure


Everyday Excel, Part 2

University of Colorado Boulder

Security Best Practices in Google Cloud

Google Cloud


Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order

University of Michigan

Developing the SIR Model

Imperial College London

Interventions and Calibration

Imperial College London

Building on the SIR Model

Imperial College London

Electronic Music Performance Techniques

Berklee College of Music

Квантовая механика. Часть 1. Принципы квантовой механики

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

Теория вероятностей – наука о случайности

National Research Tomsk State University

Law in the Time of COVID-19: A Northwestern Teach-Out

Northwestern University

Археология. О чём говорят древности?

Novosibirsk State University

География. Земля изнутри и снаружи

Novosibirsk State University

Эпигенетика. Краткий курс по управлению генами

Novosibirsk State University

Competencias para la empleabilidad

Universidad Austral

Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP). Edición especial COVID-19

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Researcher Management and Leadership Training

University of Colorado System

COVID-19 – A clinical update

University of Florida

Biomedical Visualisation

University of Glasgow

Beyond the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Addressing Sustainability and Development

University of Michigan

Earth Day at 50 Teach-Out

University of Michigan

Finding Purpose and Meaning In Life: Living for What Matters Most

University of Michigan

Thrive in Trying Times Teach-Out

University of Michigan

APP/PA Opioid Use Disorder Medication Assisted Treatment Waiver Training (24hr)

University of Virginia

Cancer Prevention Web-Based Activity

University of Virginia

Lecture Series for Preventing and Controlling COVID-19

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Understanding Medical Research: Your Facebook Friend is Wrong

Yale University

Advanced Functional Ceramics

Yonsei University

Consonants of American English Pronunciation

University of California, Irvine

Vowels of American English Pronunciation

University of California, Irvine

The Music of American English Pronunciation

University of California, Irvine


All Guided Projects


Use WordPress to Create a Blog for your Business

Create Informative Presentations with Google Slides

Portfolio Optimization using Markowitz Model

Gmail: The Foundation To Accessing Google Apps

Introduction to Google Docs

Building Custom Regional Reports with Google Analytics

Introduction to Project Management with ClickUp

Create Employee Management System with When I Work

Create and Format a Basic Document with LibreOffice Writer

Client Booking & Scheduling with Picktime

Develop a Company Website with Wix

Introduction to Project Management

User Experience Design – Creating User Profiles

Use Mailchimp to Build an E-mail Marketing Campaign

Compare Stock Returns with Google Sheets

Improve Business Performance with Google Forms


Introducción a los algoritmos de regresión

Computer Vision: Neural Transfer Style & Green Screen Effect

Anomaly Detection in Time Series Data with Keras

Predict Diabetes with a Random Forest using R

Build a Deep Learning Based Image Classifier with R

Predict Housing Prices in R on Boston Housing Data

Hierarchical Clustering: Customer Segmentation

Dimensionality Reduction using an Autoencoder in Python

Build Data Analysis and Transformation Skills in R using DPLYR

Support Vector Machine Classification in Python

Computer Vision – Object Tracking with OpenCV and Python

Generate Synthetic Images with DCGANs in Keras

Using Shiny to Plot Differential Gene Expression

Predict Future Product Prices Using Facebook Prophet

Build a Data Science Web App with Streamlit and Python


RESTful API with HTTP and JavaScript

Building a Text-Based Bank in Java

Create Your First Python Program

Compose and Program Music in Python using Earsketch

Create Relational Database Table Using SQLiteStudio

Build a Linear Layout App in Android Studio

Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP

Build a Persistent Storage App in Android Studio

Build a Simple App in Android Studio with Java

Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Building Basic Relational Databases in SQL Server Management Studio

Building Digital Media using Graphic Design in Google Slides

Using Effcient Sorting Algorithms in Java to Arrange Tax Data

Beginning SQL Server

Create Your First Chatbot with Rasa and Python

The post What’s new on Coursera for Business – April 2020 appeared first on Coursera Blog.
