Meet PitRanger: Tiny rover designed to probe the lunar underworld

Researchers have been busily building a prototype of a 33-pound (15 kg) lunar mini-robot, set to be the key instrument in a future mission aimed at capturing high-definition images of moon pits. Source:…

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?

Born between November 29 and December 18? If so, the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Source:…

Virgo? Here’s your constellation

The constellation Virgo the Maiden fully returns to the early evening sky – with her feet planted on the eastern horizon – in early May. Source:…

Moon and Gemini stars on April 1

Watch for Gemini’s 2 brightest stars – Castor and Pollux – near tonight’s moon. On the other side of the moon, you’ll see a 3rd bright star. It’s Procyon in the constellation Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog. Source:…

Pollux: The brighter twin star

Pollux, the brightest star in the constellation Gemini, blazes in a golden light next to its bluish-white heavenly twin, Castor, in the evening skies of the Northern Hemisphere’s spring. Source:…

Sky Bear comes to Earth in November

Every year, the Big Dipper (Great Bear) descends to its lowest point in the sky on November evenings. Source:…

Helvetica’s Evil Twin, Hellvetica, Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Freshly Exhumed shares a report from Fast Company: Hold your favorite graphic design tome close. We now know what the classic typeface Helvetica would look like if it came from the underworld. Yes, it will keep type enthusiasts up at night. The design darling Helvetica — that ubiquitous sans-serif typeface developed by Max Miedinger in 1957, representative of the crisp Swiss…

Oldest ever illustrated book is a guide to Ancient Egyptian underworld

The Book of Two Ways is a 4000-year-old illustrated guide to the Ancient Egyptian underworld, and fragments of the earliest known copy have now been found Source:…

Moon and Gemini stars at dawn August 26 and 27

The moon has now waned to a slim crescent phase. It’s near the stars Castor and Pollux – the legendary Gemini “twins” – on August 26 and 27, 2019. Source:…

Ophiuchus is part of the zodiac, too

Poor Ophiuchus. Nobody ever claims him as a “birth sign,” although the sun moves in front of his stars from about November 30 to December 18. Keep the big guy company. Find Ophiuchus in your sky tonight! Source:…